Razman’s Lawyer Faces Court Showdown

Razman’s Lawyer Faces Court Showdown

The next page, Razman’s lawyer was dismissed by KAI: The Supreme Court strongly condemned the noise and chaos that occurred in the North‌ Jakarta Court trial room. The action was‌ considered ‍inappropriate and uncivil, falling under the category of contempt of court, which is deemed disrespectful and harassing to the court. In the⁢ aftermath of … Read more

Breaking: Razman Defenders Make History, Topple Rivals in Thrilling Upset

Breaking: Razman Defenders Make History, Topple Rivals in Thrilling Upset

Razman Arif Nasution has been dismissed from the‍ Indonesian Advocate Congress (Kongres Advokat ‍Indonesia,KAI) ‍with dishonor. This decision was ⁣made during a large meeting held by the Central Board of ‌KAI (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat, DPP) along with the leaders ⁢of all 34 regional ‌boards of ​KAI across Indonesia, which took place in Jakarta on July … Read more