Which masks are allowed? Are there any fines? Answers to ALL questions

April 27, 2020 – 10:57 a.m. – Nationwide it is now said: Cover your mouth and nose completely! In almost all federal states, the so-called mask requirement applies since Monday, mainly in local transport and in retail. Schleswig-Holstein will follow suit on Wednesday. What this means, from what age and where exactly a mask has … Read more

Coronavirus in Yucatan. Up to 3 years in prison for those who do not isolate

Daniel Barquet Loeza Yucatan / 03/29/2020 6:44:35 PM In Yucatan will prevail prison for up to three years and the State Health Law contemplates fines of up to 86 thousand 800 pesos to people diagnosed or presenting symptoms of coronavirus and don’t respect the isolation. The person who presents the symptoms or has been diagnosed … Read more

France tightens its measures, “we must not joke with these rules and that is why we have increased the fines”

Posted on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 8:34 p.m. Through Sudinfo with AFP — Edouard Philippe announced on Monday new restrictions to fight against the coronavirus epidemic with the limitation of exits to 1 kilometer from his home, for a maximum of 1 hour, and the closure, unless otherwise agreed, of open-air food markets. – … Read more