The Oscar was awarded to the film Everything, everywhere, at once

The Oscar was awarded to the film Everything, everywhere, at once

The unusual story of Chinese immigrants who run a laundromat in the US and solve their family problems on the screen in multiple dimensions has excited Hollywood. The sci-fi action comedy called Everything, Everywhere, Suddenly on Monday night won seven Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Director. The independent film by 35-year-old directors … Read more

The most popular US series has arrived in the Czech Republic. The Skyshowtime platform started with him

The most popular US series has arrived in the Czech Republic.  The Skyshowtime platform started with him

He’s looking at the camera again and needs nothing more than charisma and a hat. American actor Harrison Ford has not yet returned in his most popular role of archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones. However, he became part of one of the most popular television series in America today. From this Tuesday, viewers from eight … Read more

Reform of film funding: dare something in German cinema – culture

Reform of film funding: dare something in German cinema – culture

The German film world may have big things in store: Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth is proposing fundamental changes to the funding guidelines by the end of 2024 at the latest. Finally! Only the separation of cultural and economic promotion – most agree on this – can help the local cinema to become … Read more