They give 18 years in prison to a member of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel

They give 18 years in prison to a member of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel

Mexico City. The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO) obtained a conviction of 18 years in prison against a member of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, who was in charge of obtaining information on military and police deployments in municipalities of Guanajuato. The convicted person was identified as Agustín “M”, who was declared … Read more

Searching families reinstall “Wall of memory” placed in front of former FGR headquarters

Searching families reinstall “Wall of memory” placed in front of former FGR headquarters

Mexico City. Members of the Traces of Memory Collective and groups of relatives searching for missing persons in Mexico and Central America reinstalled the “Wall of Memory” that was placed in front of what were until last December the facilities of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) , on the side of the Insurgentes Glorieta. Although … Read more

Subject who sexually abused a woman during a flight is sentenced to prison

Subject who sexually abused a woman during a flight is sentenced to prison

Mexico City. A federal judge based in Mexico City sentenced American Terrence Scott to four years in prison, declaring him guilty of the crime of sexual abuse against a woman when both were traveling on a plane from San Francisco that was destined for the capital. Mexican. The Attorney General’s Office (FGR) announced that the … Read more

They temporarily suspend the intermediate hearing for FGR’s accusation against Lozoya

They temporarily suspend the intermediate hearing for FGR’s accusation against Lozoya

Mexico City. A federal court temporarily suspended the intermediate hearing, scheduled for May 8, where the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) would formally accuse the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya Austin, for the crime of operations with resources of illicit origin related to the Agronitrogenados case. The determination is added to the definitive … Read more

They extend the deadline for closing the investigation against Murillo Karam

They extend the deadline for closing the investigation against Murillo Karam

Mexico City. A control judge based in the Reclusorio Sur, extended the four-month period for the closure of the complementary investigation in the process that was initiated against the former Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) Jesús Murillo Karam in the criminal process that was initiated against him for his alleged responsibility in the crime … Read more

They reject protection promoted by Aburto against FGR

They reject protection promoted by Aburto against FGR

A federal judge dismissed the amparo trial filed by Mario Aburto Martínez, confessed murderer of Luis Donaldo Colosio, against the determination of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) not to pursue criminal action against anyone involved in the alleged torture of the who claims he was a victim. The head of the Second District Court in … Read more