Climate Adaptation and Urban Greening: Strategies for a Cooler and Greener Future in Freiburg

Climate Adaptation and Urban Greening: Strategies for a Cooler and Greener Future in Freiburg

Re: “Something is always more important”, editorial by Andreas Frey (Comment & Analysis, July 13) Thank you, Mr. Frey, for your apt comment on the idle climate adaptation in Germany – not only in the Ahr Valley! In Freiburg, too, far too little is happening in the direction of climate adaptation – and that in … Read more

“Is Messi overrated? A closer look at his technical skills and the controversy surrounding growth hormones”

Messi is certainly an exceptionally talented footballer, but I don’t find him brilliant like Zidane or Maradonna. He thrives on his breathtaking speed, coupled with his small size, which predestines him for speed dribbling due to the resulting high stride frequency and low center of gravity. I’m more impressed by players with technical genius, and … Read more

10 Low-sugar Fruits Contribute to Rapid Weight Loss • Al-Marsad Newspaper

10 Low-sugar Fruits Contribute to Rapid Weight Loss • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: HealthifyMe revealed the 10 best low-carb fruits for those looking for a safe health system. These fruits are very useful, especially for patients with diabetes and blood glucose fluctuations, so these people should not eat dried fruits or drink fruit juices. Experts advise eating the 10 best fruits that are low in sugar … Read more

“Amazon” launches for the first time in the next few months … the first two satellites within the “Kuiper” project

“Amazon” launches for the first time in the next few months … the first two satellites within the “Kuiper” project

Amazon is getting closer to being able to deploy broadband satellites from Project Kuiper, the company just got major approval from the FCC, which it needs to be formally able to send 3,236 satellites into orbit, and thus Commencement of Kuiper’s satellite internet operations. Amazon obtained initial approval from the agency in 2020, according to … Read more