“Chikungunya disease”, the doctor warned silently, there was no cure in 4 provinces, the number of cases exceeded 134

“Chikungunya disease”, the doctor warned silently, there was no cure in 4 provinces, the number of cases exceeded 134

On January 26, 2023, Dr. Taweechai Witsanuyothin, Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9 (Sor Kor 9), Nakhon Ratchasima, mentioned fever, joint pain, mosquito bites or “Chikungunya Disease” which is an infectious disease “Mosquitoes” carrier of disease The symptoms are similar to dengue fever. But the patient’s condition is not severe until … Read more

everything you need to know about the flu vaccine

everything you need to know about the flu vaccine

From October to March we have to take this into account the weather gets colder for this reason, this period is called the winter season, in which cases of respiratory diseases are on the rise. Although the covid-19 noHe put into perspective the severity that these can have, we must remember that it is not … Read more