Coronavirus from A to Z – Release

Coronavirus from A to Z – Release

like animal The World Health Organization (WHO) reminded him as early as January 12: “The data seem to clearly indicate that the outbreak is associated with exposures at a fish market in Wuhan” (see: Hubei). The hypothesis of a zoonosis, a disease transmitted by animals, is therefore preferred. February 7, the scientific journal Nature asks: … Read more

Rules: MPs don’t care anymore

Rules: MPs don’t care anymore

From the start, they warn: yes, the decision to work on menstruation in the National Assembly may seem “Surprising, even confusing”. But deputies Laëtitia Romeiro Dias (LREM, Essonne) and Bénédicte Taurine (LFI, Ariège) defend it loud and clear: they delivered a parliamentary information report on the rules to the delegation for women’s rights on Tuesday. … Read more

“It can take two years to get a medicine”

“It can take two years to get a medicine”

Research teams around the world are working to better understand the coronavirus (2019-nCoV), identify an effective treatment and develop a vaccine. Professor Arnaud Fontanet, who heads the research and expertise unit in epidemiology of emerging diseases at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, analyzes the characteristics of the virus and reviews the evolution of knowledge of … Read more

Costa cruise ship stuck in Italy with 7,000 people on board due to feverish Chinese woman

Costa cruise ship stuck in Italy with 7,000 people on board due to feverish Chinese woman

Posted on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 12:31 p.m. — A Costa cruise ship is stranded Thursday morning at the port of Civitavecchia, Italy, while two Chinese passengers show possible signs of coronavirus. The 7000 passengers (6000 tourists and 1000 crew members) cannot leave the ship pending the results of the samples taken from the … Read more

Flu almost kills Hispanic father and saves “artificial lung” – Telemundo Chicago

Flu almost kills Hispanic father and saves “artificial lung” – Telemundo Chicago

ILLINOIS – Octavio Cárdenas, 42, never imagined that he was going to get the influenza virus, much less because he was about to die. It all started on Christmas Eve, when he began to feel fever, body discomfort and diarrhea and later went to the hospital where they confirmed that he had influenza. Initially this … Read more