The Top Five Nutritious Grains: Rice, Barley, Millet, Beans, and Millet for Healthy Eating

The Top Five Nutritious Grains: Rice, Barley, Millet, Beans, and Millet for Healthy Eating

Highly efficient, healthy foods such as rice, barley, millet, beans, and millet Entered 2024.01.04 18:31 Views 120 Entered 2024.01.04 18:31 Modified 2024.01.04 17:40 Views 120 It is best to choose and eat five grains according to your appetite and physical condition. Eating it with various vegetables and herbs can create a synergistic effect. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Five-grain … Read more

The Impact of Exercise on Brain Health: Gray Matter, White Matter, and Hippocampus Volume Increase with Physical Activity

The Impact of Exercise on Brain Health: Gray Matter, White Matter, and Hippocampus Volume Increase with Physical Activity

The more you exercise, the larger the volume of important parts of the brain such as gray matter, white matter, and hippocampus. Entered 2024.01.02 07:20 Views 0 Entered 2024.01.02 07:20 Modified 2024.01.01 20:41 Views 0 [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Staying active has a variety of health benefits for your aging body and brain. Exercise covers a variety of areas, … Read more

The Importance of Dietary Fiber in Preventing Colon Cancer and Promoting Intestinal Health

The Importance of Dietary Fiber in Preventing Colon Cancer and Promoting Intestinal Health

Vegetables high in dietary fiber – whole grains, blood – contribute to intestinal health Entered 2024.01.01 19:34 Views 317 Entered 2024.01.01 19:34 Modified 2024.01.01 20:16 Views 317 Eating enough vegetables, whole grains, and fruits high in dietary fiber is good for blood and intestine health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] It is very difficult to change eating habits that … Read more

7 Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in the Elderly: Heart Dysfunction, Constipation, Chronic Fatigue and More

7 Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in the Elderly: Heart Dysfunction, Constipation, Chronic Fatigue and More

Heart dysfunction, constipation, and chronic fatigue may occur. Entered 2024.01.01 10:07 Views 227 Entered 2024.01.01 10:07 Modified 2024.01.01 10:05 Views 227 Vague muscle pain or joint pain is considered one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. [사진=클립아트코리아] The thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck, makes hormones. If there is a problem with thyroid … Read more

Study Shows Writing in Diaries Improves Viral Levels in Patients

Study Shows Writing in Diaries Improves Viral Levels in Patients

Viral levels improved in some patients tested Entered 2023.12.31 12:56 Views 32 Entered 2023.12.31 12:56 Views 32 Diaries help our health in many ways. [사진=게티이미지]Writing a diary is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. This is because it is widely known that it is helpful not only for self-development but also for time … Read more

World’s First Successful Uterus Transplant Recipient Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy

World’s First Successful Uterus Transplant Recipient Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy

A woman who underwent a hysterectomy due to bleeding after giving birth to her first child gave birth to her second child using a uterus transplant donated by her mother. Entered 2023.12.28 11:23 Views 8 Entered 2023.12.28 11:23 Modified 2023.12.28 11:36 Views 8 Australia’s first woman to receive a uterus transplant has given birth to … Read more

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

How to Increase Calcium Absorption: Yogurt Rich in Calcium and Tofu

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Preventing Osteoporosis: The Benefits of Yogurt and Tofu Rich in Calcium and Isoflavones

Yogurt rich in calcium + tofu that absorbs calcium Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Views 227 Entered 2023.12.27 21:05 Modified 2023.12.27 20:05 Views 227 Isoflavones in tofu made from soybeans promote the absorption of calcium, slowing down bone damage and creating new bone tissue. It’s helpful. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] According to the annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, … Read more

Study Shows Milk Consumption Linked to Reduction of Joint Space Width in Women, A Leading Cause of Osteoarthritis

Study Shows Milk Consumption Linked to Reduction of Joint Space Width in Women, A Leading Cause of Osteoarthritis

Reduction of joint space width, a cause of osteoarthritis Entered 2023.12.27 09:05 Views 7 Entered 2023.12.27 09:05 Modified 2023.12.27 08:55 Views 7 Milk has been shown to help maintain joint health in women. [사진=클립아트코리아] Milk is a healthy food. Collagen, calcium, and vitamin B2, a type of protein contained in milk, strengthen bones and teeth, … Read more

Louisiana Woman Experiences Amnesia After Suffering Headaches – 40 Years of Memory Erased.

Louisiana Woman Experiences Amnesia After Suffering Headaches – 40 Years of Memory Erased.

After suffering from headaches and blurred vision, I lost consciousness and woke up with 40 years of memory erased. Entered 2023.12.25 13:30 Views 159 Entered 2023.12.25 13:30 Modified 2023.12.25 13:46 Views 159 This woman, Kim Denicola (61), who lives in Louisiana, USA, experienced an incident where she lost all 40 years of memory after a … Read more