“190 kg obese woman lost 70 kg”…What was the secret to getting better and gaining muscle?

“190 kg obese woman lost 70 kg”…What was the secret to getting better and gaining muscle?

A 190kg woman in her 20s, diagnosed with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, and morbid obesity, began exercising in earnest and successfully lost weight through sleeve gastrectomy. input 2024.11.21 21:04 input 2024.11.21 21:04correction 2024.11.21 16:57 Views 512 A woman in her 20s, who once weighed close to 190 kg, shared her … Read more

“Cancer patients have a low risk of dementia”…Cancer and dementia are inversely proportional?

“Cancer patients have a low risk of dementia”…Cancer and dementia are inversely proportional?

Could the conflicting elements hidden in the biological mechanisms of the two diseases be the key to treatment? input 2024.11.18 22:04 input 2024.11.18 22:04correction 2024.11.18 18:22 Views 0 Patients with a history of cancer have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a lower risk of developing cancer. This … Read more

“Eat only 1,200 Kcal a day, lose weight and lose hair”… What is the secret to a woman who has toned abs again?

“Eat only 1,200 Kcal a day, lose weight and lose hair”… What is the secret to a woman who has toned abs again?

After suffering from hair loss and menstrual irregularities due to dieting in the past, I am looking for a healthy diet method. input 2024.11.17 06:45 input 2024.11.17 06:45correction 2024.11.16 01:11 Views 1 A woman who changed from a skinny body to a muscular body revealed her secret. [사진=영국 매체 미러 보도 갈무리]A woman who went … Read more

“There are too many cases without symptoms”… What is the worst habit that causes cancer?

“There are too many cases without symptoms”… What is the worst habit that causes cancer?

Common cancer symptoms… weight loss, fatigue, abdominal discomfort input 2024.11.15 14:40 input 2024.11.15 14:40correction 2024.11.15 14:21 Views 1,155 Lung cancer, which ranks first in cancer mortality in Korea, is very difficult to diagnose because even after it has progressed to a certain extent, there are no abnormalities other than a cold-like cough and phlegm. The … Read more

“All my hair is falling out”… 28-year-old woman, severe hair loss after being bitten by ‘this’, what is it?

“All my hair is falling out”… 28-year-old woman, severe hair loss after being bitten by ‘this’, what is it?

Report of a case in a woman where hair loss began in the area of ​​the head where a tick was bitten and then spread to the entire scalp. input 2024.11.11 13:05 input 2024.11.11 13:05correction 2024.11.11 14:03 Views 2,469 A case of a woman who suffered hair loss after being bitten by a tick was … Read more

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

High-calorie/high-fat foods, frequent overeating can overwork the pancreas input 2024.11.09 15:03 input 2024.11.09 15:03correction 2024.11.09 14:13 Views 7,215 When talking about healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, fish, and poultry (chicken, duck, etc.) are always mentioned. These foods help prevent obesity and are good for diabetes and the pancreas. It is low in calories … Read more

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

Poor diet, prolonged sitting time, risk of rectal cancer input 2024.11.08 14:08 input 2024.11.08 14:08correction 2024.11.08 14:46 Views 1,873 Symptoms of colon cancer include 1) Changes in bowel habits, such as sudden difficulty passing stool or changes in the frequency of bowel movements 2) Diarrhea, constipation, an uncomfortable feeling as if stool remains after defecation … Read more

“You faint as soon as you laugh or cry?”… Why do women fall asleep when emotionally stimulated?

“You faint as soon as you laugh or cry?”… Why do women fall asleep when emotionally stimulated?

The story of a woman who falls asleep without realizing it when she wakes up emotionally stimulated, such as laughing or crying. input 2024.11.06 06:45 input 2024.11.06 06:45correction 2024.11.05 19:12 Views 695 The story of a woman who fainted every time she laughed was introduced. [사진=’더선’ 보도내용 캡처]The story of a woman who fainted whenever … Read more

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

[장준홍의 노자와 현대의학] input 2024.11.05 08:42 input 2024.11.05 08:42correction 2024.11.05 08:41 Views 92 [사진=코메디닷컴DB]You can also get the Wegovy injection, the ‘dream obesity treatment’ developed by Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, in Korea. Semaglutide, the main ingredient in Gastric Gobi, is an analogue of the hormone glucagon, called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is secreted in … Read more

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

Inhibits ghrelin, the appetite hormone input 2024.10.28 14:08 input 2024.10.28 14:08correction 2024.10.28 14:09 Views 399 Vigorous exercise helps you lose weight by making you forget about hunger. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It has been shown that vigorous exercise helps people forget about hunger. It was especially effective in reducing women’s appetite. This is one more reason why people losing … Read more