A mother suddenly loses her life… She thought that what she was feeling was symptoms of poisoning, and this is what turned out

A mother suddenly loses her life… She thought that what she was feeling was symptoms of poisoning, and this is what turned out

British Kelly Gleeson, 40, suddenly lost her life after believing that her symptoms were just “food poisoning”. After a tiring day spent by the mother vomiting, she lay on the bed to sleep; When her daughter, Madison, 17, went to check on her just an hour later, she was found dead. According to the British … Read more

A Lebanese documenting green spaces on the mountains of Saudi Arabia • Al-Marsad Newspaper

A Lebanese documenting green spaces on the mountains of Saudi Arabia • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A Lebanese documented a video clip in which he expressed his surprise at the greenness of the mountains in the Kingdom. And he said during the video: “Saudi Arabia is green. And he continued: “God willing, by God, I am happy, my brother. I feel lost, the first time I see these scenes.” … Read more