Additional budgets under scrutiny: consequences of the budget ruling

Additional budgets under scrutiny: consequences of the budget ruling

Berlin (dpa) – After the Karlsruhe budget ruling, all of the federal government’s ancillary budgets are under scrutiny. One thing is certain so far: 60 billion euros for climate projects and the modernization of the economy have been lost. But may billions more not be available, for example for energy price caps? And what about … Read more

Employees and employers: Social contributions increase for employees and decrease for employers

Employees and employers: Social contributions increase for employees and decrease for employers

Social contributions for employees have increased in recent years – but for employers they have decreased. The Left in the Bundestag drew attention to this, citing a response from the federal government. Accordingly, the percentage contributions to social insurance for employees rose by 1.3 percentage points to 16.9 percent from 2002 to 2022. Contributions for … Read more

Chic hairstyle: This is how much money the government spends on styling

Chic hairstyle: This is how much money the government spends on styling

The government coalition ministers and state secretaries spent a lot of money on their styling in 2023. A list shows the extent. To what extent does it increase? Federal Government Services related to external beauty? This question was answered by the ministers of the traffic light coalition, summarized in one published preliminary version. The small … Read more

Transparency Obligations Ignored: Lack of Women in Management Ranks

Transparency Obligations Ignored: Lack of Women in Management Ranks

Many public companies ignore legally required transparency obligations when it comes to the proportion of women in their management ranks. But if the state claims to be a role model, it should live up to it. DReality often lags behind wishful thinking. When the federal government got serious about promoting women in German top management … Read more

Warning: Massive Cuts to Voluntary Services for People with Disabilities – Disabled Aid Offenbach

Warning: Massive Cuts to Voluntary Services for People with Disabilities – Disabled Aid Offenbach

The Disabled Aid Offenbach warns of the federal government’s plans to make massive cuts to voluntary services. The cuts meant that services for people with disabilities would have to be severely restricted. In the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP there was talk of strengthening voluntary services, but in 2024, according … Read more

Why the Federal Government’s Plan to Address Rising Rents with New Apartments Will Fail: Data Analysis

Why the Federal Government’s Plan to Address Rising Rents with New Apartments Will Fail: Data Analysis

The federal government wants to get the problem of rising rents under control with hundreds of thousands of new apartments. Our data analysis shows why this will fail. By Jakob Bauer, Paul Blickle, Philipp Daum, Annick Ehmann, Christian Endt, Philip Faigle, Carla Grefe-Huge, Valentin Peter, David Schach, Julius Tröger, Rina Wahls and Zacharias Zacharakis This … Read more

Companies Give Traffic Light Coalition’s Economic Policy Low Marks

Companies Give Traffic Light Coalition’s Economic Policy Low Marks

Companies would give the traffic light’s economic policy even lower marks. Image: Ricardo Wiesinger Nine out of ten companies find the federal government without a concept. They complain about bad schools, bureaucracy and lame authorities. Supporters of the SPD and the Greens see it more positively – FDP supporters do not. DBefore the summer, the … Read more

The Federal Government to Halt Payments to Private Sea Rescuers, Chancellor Scholz Supports the Decision

The Federal Government to Halt Payments to Private Sea Rescuers, Chancellor Scholz Supports the Decision

The federal government will apparently stop payments to private sea rescuers. Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to agree with this. According to a media report, the federal government is no longer planning to make payments to private sea rescuers next year. As “Bild” reported, citing the Federal Foreign Office’s partial budget for 2024, there is no … Read more

Polaschek (UG) zum aktuellen Nehammer Video | and

Polaschek (UG) zum aktuellen Nehammer Video |  and

It’s not the poor and unemployed who make it easy for themselves, but the Chancellor of the Republic Vienna (OTS) – It is a familiar scene in which Chancellor Nehammer’s current video takes place: a privileged circle, mostly men. The topics that the Chancellor presents to this apparently tight-knit audience in a sociable and familiar … Read more