Immuni, Pisano to Sky TG24: “4 million downloads. The app is working “

Immuni, Pisano to Sky TG24: “4 million downloads.  The app is working “

“Now there is the Ministry of Health and the Regions at the helm of this technology,” said the Minister of Innovation in a speech on “Progress” on Sky TG24. Immuni “is integrating well with the health system” – L’app immune, officially available from June 1st, has been downloaded by four million Italians. To make it … Read more

Stop walkers! How to keep a teenager at home during quarantine

Stop walkers! How to keep a teenager at home during quarantine

4 activities for the whole family that will allow you to spend this time without rubbish. It is hard to be at home 24 hours a day, without the opportunity to walk, visit your favorite cafes and shops. But it’s even harder to keep a teenager at home, because all the most interesting for him … Read more

Before Coronavirus: Deadly Epidemics That Changed the World | Favorite

Before Coronavirus: Deadly Epidemics That Changed the World | Favorite

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic 2019-nCoV an emergency of international concern. All states must be prepared to fight it. At the same time, at the time of writing, about seven hundred people worldwide died from the new virus, and eight thousand die from ordinary flu … Read more