“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

“Three Siblings Killed in Tragic House Fire in Gernsbach, Parents Mourn Loss”

Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg) – A framed photo of three children stands next to candles and tulips, leaning against a burned down house in the Black Forest village of Gernsbach (Baden-Württemberg). Amelia (4), Alessio (8) and Adelin (14) smile at the camera. But their parents will never hear that child’s laughter again. The three siblings died in … Read more

Sad, 11-Year-Old Boy Dies Due to Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infection After Treadmill Injury

Sad, 11-Year-Old Boy Dies Due to Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infection After Treadmill Injury

Saturday, 18 February 2023 – 13:34 WIB VIVA Lifestyle – An 11-year-old boy has died after suffering from a flesh-eating infection following an injury from a treadmill. Jesse Brown of Winter Park, Florida, died after he contracted the deadly infection, known as Group A Streptococcus bacteria. Jesse’s cousin, Megan Brown, told the media that she … Read more

Al-Musnad reveals the most earthquake-prone country in the world… and these two countries lead in the number of deaths!

Al-Musnad reveals the most earthquake-prone country in the world… and these two countries lead in the number of deaths!

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Vice-President of the Weather and Climate Society Dr. Abdullah Al-Misnad revealed that the country is most prone to earthquakes in the world, and two other countries rank first in terms of the number of deaths. Al-Misnad said that Japan is considered the most earthquake-prone country, and has the densest network of seismic stations … Read more