Should You Skip Dinner? A Guide to Healthy Evening Eating

Should You Skip Dinner? A Guide to Healthy Evening Eating

“dinner” I believe that many people choose not to eat. because they think that eating dinner will make you fat, but in fact We should not skip any meal. but should reduce the proportion and choose to eat as appropriate in that meal, such as dinner, which is closest to bedtime Especially in the period … Read more

Doner kebabs more and more expensive: the federal government takes a position on Instagram News

Doner kebabs more and more expensive: the federal government takes a position on Instagram  News

▶ “Salam aleikum brother, make a doner kebab for two or three euros.” ▶ “Please, Herr Scholz, lower the kebab prices. I pay nine euros for a doner kebab – and it’s not even organic.” ▶ “As a student, it is almost impossible to get a doner kebab every day. That’s why I’m asking you … Read more

Famous for being delicious, this is a list of prohibited foods for people with high cholesterol, number 5 is hard to let go

Famous for being delicious, this is a list of prohibited foods for people with high cholesterol, number 5 is hard to let go – Cholesterol is fat that is produced in the liver. Cholesterol is needed by the body to produce hormones and improve digestion. As for you should know about the list of taboo foods for people with high cholesterol. Cholesterol levels that are too high will be at risk of causing serious diseases such as … Read more