Introduce Fuji to the old manager, this is Fadly’s confession to the police

Introduce Fuji to the old manager, this is Fadly’s confession to the police

Jakarta – Sisters Fadly Faisal and Fuji went to the West Jakarta Metro Police together with their lawyer, Sandy Arifin, to ask for more information regarding the scene allegedly made by Fuji’s former manager, Batara, worth IDR 1.3 billion. Fadly is said to be the person who introduced Fuji to Batara. In this investigation, the … Read more

Fuji and Fadly arrive at West Jakarta police, Why again?

Fuji and Fadly arrive at West Jakarta police, Why again?

Jakarta – West Jakarta Metro police detectives are still continuing to investigate the case of alleged former celebgram manager Fuji, Batara, worth IDR 1.3 billion. Today the Fuji inspectors called again. This time, investigators called Fuji and his brother, Fadly Faisal, to request additional information about this case. Accompanied by Sandy Arifin as a lawyer, … Read more