“Radical Environmentalists Take Over Ghent Streets: Extinction Rebellion Video”

“Radical Environmentalists Take Over Ghent Streets: Extinction Rebellion Video”

[Video] Extinction Rebellion activists have taken over the streets of Ghent Published on 04/29/2023 at 16:33 In Ghent, 175 activists from the radical environmental movement Extinction Rebellion took over the streets of the port city on Saturday. The protesters left Citadelpark around 11am. The convoy then made its way along the city’s main thoroughfares. The … Read more

Success Achieved in World’s First Major Shark Reintroduction Program Supported by Science

Success Achieved in World’s First Major Shark Reintroduction Program Supported by Science

Scientist Nesha Ichida recently released a zebra shark named Kathlyn into the open ocean in Indonesia’s Wayag Islands as part of the ReShark project, which aims to rebuild the wild population of zebra sharks. Zebra sharks are a popular target for inshore fisheries who take them for their meat and liver for vitamins, while sharks … Read more

The 6 Most Horrible Extinctions in History, What Are They?

The 6 Most Horrible Extinctions in History, What Are They?

Jakarta – Life on earth is estimated to have lasted for billions of years. Earth and the objects on its surface have undergone many evolutionary events extinction terrible thing that ever happened. Many creatures became extinct as a result of major events and gradual changes in earth’s conditions. Until now, the extinction of living things … Read more

The Enormity of the Asteroid Impact Made the Dinosaurs Extinct, How Big were They?

The Enormity of the Asteroid Impact Made the Dinosaurs Extinct, How Big were They?

Jakarta – Earth is the safest planet for humans to live in compared to other planets. But you need to know, a large asteroid once hit Earth to destroy the life of the dinosaurs. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was home to one of the most popular organisms in history, the dinosaurs. … Read more

Not just asteroids, researchers reveal the causes of the extinction of dinosaur species

Not just asteroids, researchers reveal the causes of the extinction of dinosaur species

Jakarta – Researchers once again uncover new startling facts. According to them, there are other causes that trigger the extinction dinosaur other than the fall of an asteroid. Because the debate about the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops and whether there are mammalian species that can survive extinction is quite fuzzy. … Read more