Why Covid-19 Patients Need to Avoid Excess Sugar and Salt? Check out the following expert explanation

Why Covid-19 Patients Need to Avoid Excess Sugar and Salt?  Check out the following expert explanation

PR DEPOK – Covid-19 patients are advised to avoid certain types of food, such as foods that contain gula and salt. Why? Clinical nutrition specialist Maria Ingrid Budiman, sp.GK explained the reason Covid-19 patient place avoid gula and salt contained in every food. The doctor, who graduated from Hasanuddin University, the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Medical … Read more

LAST MINUTE NEWS || The number of cases increased in those provinces! Here are the latest developments in case numbers…

LAST MINUTE NEWS ||  The number of cases increased in those provinces!  Here are the latest developments in case numbers…

The provinces where the number of cases increased are Ağrı, Antalya, Ardahan, Batman, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Burdur, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Elazığ, Iğdır, Isparta, İstanbul, Karabük, Kastamonu, Muş, Nevşehir, Niğde, Osmaniye, Siirt, Şanlıurfa, Tokat. recorded as Tunceli, Van and Yozgat. The highest increase in the number of cases was seen in Ağrı with 155.57. – .

President Erdoğan: We repeat the saga written by archers with UAVs

President Erdoğan: We repeat the saga written by archers with UAVs

-class=”cf”> President Erdogan, “My dear nation, dear Istanbulites, Conquest Our esteemed athletes, distinguished guests, who came together in Okmeydanı on the occasion of the 9th International Turkish Cup, I greet you all with my most heartfelt feelings.” In his speech, he started and wished the 568th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul to be beneficial. … Read more

Lyutvi Mestan: I did not understand what I was accused of. I’m innocent!

Lyutvi Mestan: I did not understand what I was accused of.  I’m innocent!

– – Lyutvi Mestan in court PHOTOS: The author – I did not understand what I was accused of. I am innocent. I will give an explanation at a later stage. This was stated before the district court by the leader of the DOST party Lyutvi Mestan, who is one of the accused for causing … Read more

Covid-19 has the potential to reduce hearing function, this is the explanation page all

Covid-19 has the potential to reduce hearing function, this is the explanation page all

By: Monik Alamanda TIME this, many people equate Covid-19 with respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing, and decreased sense of smell. However, SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19, can actually attack other parts of the body, including the sense of hearing. A number of case reports and studies from various parts of the … Read more

What Does Rain Look Like on Other Planets? This is the overview page all

What Does Rain Look Like on Other Planets?  This is the overview page all

KOMPAS.com – Rain apparently not only happened in Earth alone, but also throughout Solar system. But rain of planet nothing else similar to that on Earth. The type of material that falls from the sky varies depending on the planet itself. If on Earth it rains water, then on Mars it rains carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, … Read more

What is the difference between a total solar eclipse and a ring solar eclipse? The all page

What is the difference between a total solar eclipse and a ring solar eclipse?  The all page

KOMPAS.com- A solar eclipse is one of the natural phenomena that always attracts people’s attention. There are two types of solar eclipses that are considered the most special, namely total solar eclipse and ring solar eclipse. What is a solar eclipse? Basically, a solar eclipse is an optical phenomenon that occurs when the moon is … Read more

What is the difference between a total solar eclipse and a ring solar eclipse?

What is the difference between a total solar eclipse and a ring solar eclipse?

KOMPAS.com- A solar eclipse is one of the natural phenomena that always attracts people’s attention. There are two types of solar eclipses that are considered the most special, namely total solar eclipse and ring solar eclipse. What is a solar eclipse? Basically, a solar eclipse is an optical phenomenon that occurs when the moon is … Read more

Back from Space, Wine and Wine Researched by French Scientists, this is the result page all

Back from Space, Wine and Wine Researched by French Scientists, this is the result page all

KOMPAS.com- Back from the station Outer Space International (ISS), capsules SpaceX also brought a number of objects to study, one of which was a number of pieces of fruit Grape and a few bottles wine origin France. Upon their return to Earth, French scientists then studied a dozen bottles of French wine and hundreds of … Read more

6 Wanted Facts, The Katai Planet That Made Pluto No Longer a Planet Page all

6 Wanted Facts, The Katai Planet That Made Pluto No Longer a Planet Page all

KOMPAS.com – Before astronomers were aware of a celestial body called Would like (currently), Pluto is known as the ninth planet after Neptune. However, when astronomers discovered the 2005 FY9 celestial body in 2005, it was renamed Makemake in 2008; Pluto has been omitted from the category of planets in our Solar System. Why is … Read more