“Big Brother Vip”, Pierpaolo is the second official finalist

“Big Brother Vip”, Pierpaolo is the second official finalist

– – – Tommaso betrayed by Giulia – It starts from the friendship between Zorzi and Salemi, which excluded him from the final to facilitate Pierpaolo. The justification “you are already in the final” has bored the influencer who felt betrayed by his friend and Pierpaolo. “I’m sorry, I should have been honest and protected … Read more

South Korea’s Artificial Sun Breaks New World Records Page all

South Korea’s Artificial Sun Breaks New World Records Page all

KOMPAS.com- Artificial sun South Korea reportedly set a new world record, for successfully maintaining a high temperature plasma for 20 seconds with an ion temperature of over 100 million degrees Celsius. Previous, artificial sun China was already on. This time, the artificial sun was out of use nuclear energy developed by South Korea managed to … Read more

Why Is Controlling Pandemic Through the Covid-19 Vaccination Program Not Easy? All pages

Why Is Controlling Pandemic Through the Covid-19 Vaccination Program Not Easy?  All pages

KOMPAS.com- Program Covid-19 vaccination, government Indonesia targeting can be done early next year as a pandemic control effort corona virus. Currently, the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia continues to increase. Data from the Covid-19 Task Force website shows that the number of positive cases of Covid-19 has reached 685,639 cases as of Wednesday (23/12/2020). … Read more

Digital Reconstruction of Dinosaur Brains, Scientists Find This Interesting Facts Page all

Digital Reconstruction of Dinosaur Brains, Scientists Find This Interesting Facts Page all

KOMPAS.com- Researchers from the University of Bristol, England successfully reconstructed the brain dinosaur digitally. They use sophisticated 3D imaging and modeling techniques to do this. The result, as quoted from CNN, Tuesday (15/12/2020) the researchers managed to rebuild the brain from Thecodontosaurus, sauropoda who lived in what is now England some 205 million years ago. … Read more

NASA explained the light that was seen in Villa La Angostura – News

NASA explained the light that was seen in Villa La Angostura – News

The researchers found that the strange bright light Came from a Centaur booster rocket from the 1960s. To confirm the origin of the object, data obtained at the Infrared Telescope Facility of the NASA (IRTF) and the orbit analysis of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. / Embedded … Read more

Get to know the Chinese-made sun that finally lights up, what does it do? All pages

Get to know the Chinese-made sun that finally lights up, what does it do?  All pages

KOMPAS.com- Fused reactor nuclear which is called China as’ artificial sun‘successfully started for the first time. As reported by local government media and reported from AFP, on Friday (4/12/2020), this success marked the great progress of nuclear power research in this Bamboo Curtain country. The reactor, called the HL-2M Tokamak, is China’s largest and most … Read more

Last minute … Important messages from President Erdogan: We stay away from steps without calculations that will have heavy bills

Last minute … Important messages from President Erdogan: We stay away from steps without calculations that will have heavy bills

President Erdoğan sent a video message to the International Investment Summit organized online by the International Investors Association (YASED). powerful member profile YASED celebrating its age this year, 40th, skilled human resources and fill an important gap that expresses Erdogan and relationship network on a global scale, ‘big and strong in Turkey as it is … Read more

Breaking news … Congratulations from President Erdoğan to two people followed by the world

Breaking news … Congratulations from President Erdoğan to two people followed by the world

President Erdoğan, United Nations (BMGeneral Assembly addressed by video message at the Special Session on Combating Kovid-19. Wishing the meeting to be successful and beneficial for all humanity, Erdogan said, “The international community is facing the greatest global challenge of the 21st century. The key to overcoming this difficult period is international cooperation and global … Read more

Corona positive mothers in Singapore give birth to babies with Covid-19 antibodies, how come? All pages

Corona positive mothers in Singapore give birth to babies with Covid-19 antibodies, how come?  All pages

KOMPAS.com- Celine Ng-Chan, native mother Singapore who just gave birth baby male, admitted that his child was born with a condition of having Covid-19 antibodies. As quoted from ABC, Monday (30/11/2020), Ng-Chan known positive for Covid-19 During pregnancy. Baby those who were just born this month are known to be in good health without Covid-19. … Read more

Still a human cousin, found early human skeleton aged 2 million years

Still a human cousin, found early human skeleton aged 2 million years

KOMPAS.com- Researchers found fossils framework primordial man 2 million years old in the depths of the cave in Africa South. Skull according to the researchers, male gender belongs to a relative human which has become extinct, known as Paranthropus robustus. As quoted from IFL Science, Wednesday (11/25/2020) fossils primordial man which lived around the tip … Read more