Old-money rich and suddenly rich Finns live in the ultra-fine area – That’s how it is –

Old-money rich and suddenly rich Finns live in the ultra-fine area – That’s how it is

Tourism In Spain, on the side of Marbella, there is a residential area for the few and the chosen, where every detail breathes ultra-luxury. Wealthy Finns also live in the area. The pictures reveal what the luxury villas are like. Saturday 9 November 2024 at 6:02 am #Oldmoney #rich #suddenly #rich #Finns #live #ultrafine #area

Russia is ready for a crippling attack against Finland – Explosives have already been set in place –

Russia is ready for a crippling attack against Finland – Explosives have already been set in place

News According to the expert, Russia has probably already placed the explosives so that Finland could be paralyzed in an instant. He tells how all households should prepare and how he himself prepares at home. Yesterday at 19:50 #Russia #ready #crippling #attack #Finland #Explosives #set #place

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00 –

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00

A 33-year-old father injected a stranger with a lethal dose of poison – Two screams were heard in the night Mieli5.11. 19:00 #33yearold #father #injected #stranger #lethal #dose #poison #screams #heard #night #Mieli5.11

Even tens of tons of savings in gift tax – Some of the heirs even change industries because of this –

Even tens of tons of savings in gift tax – Some of the heirs even change industries because of this

News An entrepreneur can transfer wealth to the next generation in a convenient way. Few people know that this trick can save tens of thousands of euros at best. Some even change fields because of this. Sami Koski Yesterday at 10:00 #tens #tons #savings #gift #tax #heirs #change #industries

Three types of women and men most likely to cheat –

Three types of women and men most likely to cheat

Feeling good Although the characteristics or signs of cheating cannot be completely generalized, there are certain strong characteristics that are repeated in most cases. Together with an expert, we put together three classic cheater profiles of both sexes. Saturday 2 November 2024 at 19:03 #types #women #men #cheat