The first exoplanet discovered will soon be hit by its parent star

The first exoplanet discovered will soon be hit by its parent star

The orbital period of the first exoplanet now continues to decrease, REPUBLIC.CO.ID, WASHINGTON – For the first time, astronomers have spotted an extrasolar planet rotating towards its parent star. Eventually, this planet will be destroyed due to a cosmic collision. Interestingly, that planet is a candidate exoplanet first discovered by Kepler telescope owned by the … Read more

This sister planet found to contain water, like what? Page all

This sister planet found to contain water, like what?  Page all – Space telescope NASA’s Kepler, which stopped working in 2018, apparently identified it planet twin. Planet twins located outside the Solar System or exoplanet these were called Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d. The two planets orbit a star located about 218 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Data twin planets obtained in 2014, he then … Read more