Experts Reveal Evolution Process Can Walk Backward

Experts Reveal Evolution Process Can Walk Backward

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Living beings evolve and generate complexities in his body to adapt to environment. But what if this complexity isn’t needed and evolution goes in reverse? Evolution has resulted in making living things that were originally simple in shape have very complex features, such as the arms of an octopus that has … Read more

Revealed! This is how the galaxy evolves, it can change shape

Revealed!  This is how the galaxy evolves, it can change shape

Jakarta – Not equal to each other, galaxy they form and evolve in different ways over time. It’s like proving that the universe has millions of secrets that are unknown to humans. How galaxies might form is something of a mystery that needs to be unearthed for answers. Until finally a study answered that. Launched … Read more

Over the past 9,000 years, American black bear fur has evolved a cinnamon color

Over the past 9,000 years, American black bear fur has evolved a cinnamon color

Loading… Some American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the western United States (USA) have developed cinnamon-colored fur. Photo/WikimediaCommons WASHINGTON – A number of black bear America (Ursus americanus) to the west United States of America (USA) evolved to have cinnamon colored fur. This new brownish hue likely arose from a genetic variant similar to the … Read more