at the Épinay-sous-Sénart health center, “we preserve the health of patients”

at the Épinay-sous-Sénart health center, “we preserve the health of patients”

When Émilie Zard launched the creation of the Épinay-sous-Sénart (Essonne) health center in 2016, she knew that the lack of doctors was going to become “a disaster on the territory”. “60% of them were over 65, retirements had to be anticipated”, she notes, leaning against her desk, recalling that nearly 6 million French people have … Read more

contamination at its lowest despite the winter

contamination at its lowest despite the winter

Never has France experienced such a low level of contamination since the summer of 2020. According to the site Covid tracker, an average of 4,573 positive cases are tested per day, a drop of 25% in one week. At the same time a year ago, a new record was exceeded with more than 500,000 cases … Read more