“Regina Nights” Presents Four Plays from Amateur Theater Companies Across Spain

“Regina Nights” Presents Four Plays from Amateur Theater Companies Across Spain

Home / Culture / The amateur theater show ‘Regina Nights’ programs four plays It will put on stage in the Roman theater of Regina as many companies from Extremadura, Euskadi, Andalusia and Asturias on July 1, 8, 15 and 22. 22 mayo 2023 | Published : 16:05 (05/22/2023) | Updated: 01:11 (23/05/2023) 2023-05-22 23:17:36 #amateur … Read more

“Breast Cancer in Men: Diego’s Story and the Need for Awareness”

“Breast Cancer in Men: Diego’s Story and the Need for Awareness”

When the nurse who cared for him during his first chemotherapy session read his name on the report before injecting him with the medication, he turned around and took the drugs again. Were prescribed to treat a breast cancer and thought she had the wrong patient. But not. They were for him, Diego Escudero (Caceres, … Read more

“Lonja Agropecuaria de Estremadura reveals update on Iberian pig market as of April 20, 2023”

“Lonja Agropecuaria de Estremadura reveals update on Iberian pig market as of April 20, 2023”

We present the Data updated as of April 20, 2023 from the Lonja agropecuaria de Estremadura. Iberian pig comment No surprises for this week showing a market with the same trend. As regards fattened animals, little by little supply and demand are balancing, although one more week all the national markets once again mark a … Read more

“Hipra’s Bimervax: Spain’s first Covid-19 vaccine approved for use in Europe”

“Hipra’s Bimervax: Spain’s first Covid-19 vaccine approved for use in Europe”

Estremadura is waiting to receive the Spanish vaccine against covid-19, which will arrive in the next few days. Europe authorized its release to the market ten days ago, marketed by Hipra laboratories and will be sold under the trade name ‘Bimervax’; It is the first designed, tested and produced in Spain. It is recommended for … Read more

There will be 50,000 doses to vaccinate almost 16,700 babies against meningitis

There will be 50,000 doses to vaccinate almost 16,700 babies against meningitis

Estremadura purchases 50,000 doses of meningitis B vaccine to protect babies for the next two years. There will be enough vaccines to immunize almost 16,700 newborns, taking into account that, according to the guidelines of the National Health Commission, to have the complete regimen, three punctures are needed, which will be placed at two months, … Read more

Let’s Save the Mountain announces protest during the Cáceres Spanish Film Festival

Let’s Save the Mountain announces protest during the Cáceres Spanish Film Festival

patronage The protest on the UEx campus took place before the beginning of a conference called “Projects with territorial anchoring in Extremadura”, to which the regional president, Guillermo Fernández Varaand several prosecutors from companies announcing investments in the region; among them, Ramón Jiménez, the CEO of Extremadura New Energies (ENE) promoter of the Valdeflórez mine … Read more

Blessing of pets at the San Antonio school

Blessing of pets at the San Antonio school

Blessing of animals at the San Antonio de Padua school. ASSIGNED The school San Antonio de Padua (Cáceres) joined yesterday, festivity of san anton, to the traditional blessing of animals. The children and their families brought their pets to the educational center to bless them, and ask the saint for their protection.