The Danish chef was a mole in North Korea

The Danish chef was a mole in North Korea

A disabled chef, a convicted cocaine addict, a Spanish aristocrat and plans for an underground weapons factory built with help from North Korea. These are some of the bizarre ingredients in Mads Brügger’s documentary “The Mole”. The three-part documentary follows the former chef, who chooses to infiltrate a Danish-North Korean friendship association. Here he rises … Read more

“Erdogan’s arm reaches as far as Vienna”: Turkey apparently spied in Austria

“Erdogan’s arm reaches as far as Vienna”: Turkey apparently spied in Austria

Tuesday, September 01, 2020 – Critics of the Turkish government in Austria were apparently spied on. After the arrest of a suspected spy, the Alpine republic threatens Turkey with diplomatic steps. Erdogan wants to exert influence and “split Austrian society”. According to Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, the Austrian authorities have caught a suspected Turkish spy. … Read more

Exclusive | Nieto’s chats with Macri: We must begin to establish that there is a political persecution

Exclusive |  Nieto’s chats with Macri: We must begin to establish that there is a political persecution

But that’s not all, to the annotations revealed by Ámbito this week where Nieto warned “Mauricio” the need to install a story in the face of the growing spy scandal, others from the previous weeks are now added, which prove that Nieto and Macri were concerned about the need to create a fictitious argument to … Read more

Senior US Special Forces Officer Arrested, Accused of Leaking State Secrets to Russia

Senior US Special Forces Officer Arrested, Accused of Leaking State Secrets to Russia

WASHINGTON DC, – A former special forces captain United States of America ( AS), Peter Debbins, has been arrested on charges espionage. This was stated by the US Ministry of Justice as quoted from BBC, Thursday (21/8/2020). Debbins is alleged to have provided classified information to the agency intelligence military ( TOWER CRANE) Russia … Read more

Former Apple technician: “We helped the United States create an iPod esp”

Former Apple technician: “We helped the United States create an iPod esp”

A former Apple engineer has revealed that in 2005 the technology giant helped the United States Government create a special device that would look and function exactly like an iPod, but with custom hardware that would allow certain data to be secretly recorded. In a blog post, engineer David Shayer says the project was carried … Read more

The film The Wasp Network, a great disappointment

The film The Wasp Network, a great disappointment

The film had already sparked controversy after its pre-release at the last edition of the Venice Film Festival, in September, especially because the plot, set between Havana and Miami, is accompanied by an internationally renowned cast. And now it gives something to talk about after its premiere on Netflix. While Wasp Network tries to catch … Read more

Not to mention espionage, Macri came to the defense of his raided secretary.

Not to mention espionage, Macri came to the defense of his raided secretary.

In the text, the JxC collective shoots at the government after the search that was carried out this Thursday on Macri’s personal secretary, Dario Nieto, in the framework of the cause that investigates the alleged espionage during the national government of Cambodia, between 2015 and 2019. Communicating Together for Change – “The members of Together … Read more

China. Two Canadians formally charged with espionage

China. Two Canadians formally charged with espionage

China formally charged with espionage two Canadians detained since December 2018 in the name of national security, in a case that has poisoned the diplomatic relations between Beijing and Ottawa. Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat previously stationed in Beijing, as well as the consultant and businessman Michael Spavor, a specialist on North Korea, are accused … Read more

Trump reportedly offered forgiveness to Assange in exchange for innocence for Russia, accuses lawyer | USA

Trump reportedly offered forgiveness to Assange in exchange for innocence for Russia, accuses lawyer | USA

Julian Assange’s lawyer said on Wednesday that former Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Donald Trump’s ally, offered the founder of WikiLeaks a pardon on behalf of the President. In return, Assange would have to testify that Russia was not involved in the theft of emails to the National Committee of the Democratic Party in 2016. During … Read more