Éric Zemmour, the “French Trump”, joins the race for the Elysee at its worst

Éric Zemmour, the “French Trump”, joins the race for the Elysee at its worst

The far-right debater Eric Zemmour (Montreuil, 63 years old) is already an official candidate for the presidency of the French Republic. The former journalist, with sexist and racist postulates and convicted twice for “incitement to hatred”, gave the announcement on Tuesday in a video broadcast on social networks. “For a long time I was content … Read more

MAINTENANCE. Éric Ciotti: “I assume my right-wing ideas”

MAINTENANCE.  Éric Ciotti: “I assume my right-wing ideas”

His radical ideas sometimes clash. But he assumes them. The Niçois Éric Ciotti, 56 years old, wants to be the defender of a right “Uninhibited, without taboos”. He says register ” in line “ from Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy, Francois Fillon, Charles Pasqua, Philippe Seguin… Do you feel like you are the surprise candidate for … Read more

Democrat Eric Adams to be the next mayor of New York

Democrat Eric Adams to be the next mayor of New York

The former cop and Democrat Eric Adams has been imposed this Tuesday in the elections to the New York City Hall with the 66.7 percent of the votes to 65 percent counted. Adams, so far president from the New York district of Brooklyn, thus overwhelms the Republican candidate, Curtis Sliwa, who is currently taking 28.2 … Read more

African American Eric Adams wins mayoral election in New York

African American Eric Adams wins mayoral election in New York

Photo: nydailynews.com New York Senator Eric Adams – – According to preliminary data, African American Senator Eric Adams is winning the mayoral elections in New York. In New York on Tuesday, November 2, mayoral elections won the Democratic candidate former police officer, 61-year-old African American Eric Adams. This is evidenced by the updated data on … Read more

French Trump. Macron’s new competitor

French Trump.  Macron’s new competitor

The publicist Eric Zemmour foreshadows the decline of France due to the influx of migrants, demands to ban foreign names, has no political experience, but is ready to compete in the elections for the current president. Presidential elections are coming in France. Voting will take place in April 2022 and incumbent President Emmanuel Macron has … Read more

Presidential. Eric Ciotti wants to establish blood rights to obtain French nationality

Presidential.  Eric Ciotti wants to establish blood rights to obtain French nationality

Éric Ciotti, deputy and departmental advisor LR of the Alpes-Maritimes and primary candidate that his party could organize in the context of the 2022 presidential election, called on Saturday, August 28, 2021 for a peaceful countryside, before his candidacy speech in Levens, in the hinterland of Nice. It is a campaign that I wish serene, … Read more

Eric Adams: The man who is supposed to be the new Mayor of New York

Eric Adams: The man who is supposed to be the new Mayor of New York

Dhe election count was chaotic. That’s why it took almost two weeks until the (provisional) winner of the New York mayoral election was finally determined: So his name is Eric Adams, and the most important thing about him is not his skin color – he will be the second black mayor of New York City … Read more

There was a video of a helicopter crash in Mexico

There was a video of a helicopter crash in Mexico

Photo: frame from video The moment of the fall of the Mi-17 helicopter in Mexico – – On board was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the neighboring state of Veracruz, Eric Cisneros, who flew around hard-to-reach territories. A video of the fall of the Mi-17 transport helicopter of the Mexican Ministry … Read more

Bordeaux-Lens: the match referee is known – Girondins

Bordeaux-Lens: the match referee is known – Girondins

Éric Wattellier has just been appointed main referee for the match this Sunday, May 16 between Bordeaux and Lens. On behalf of the 37th day of Ligue 1, Éric Wattellier will be the main arbiter of this important meeting for the maintenance race between the Girondins de Bordeaux and RC Lens. The 33-year-old referee has … Read more

Presidential 2022. Éric Piolle, the enduring and determined mayor

Presidential 2022. Éric Piolle, the enduring and determined mayor

He is a local elected official who does not hide his desire for a national future. Except huge surprise, Eric Piolle, 48 years old, will therefore be a candidate for the primary Greens in view of presidential election of 2022, next to Yannick Jadot and of Sandrine Rousseau. Elyos ambition From its town hall of … Read more