Fires in Turkey: regions declared disaster zone

Fires in Turkey: regions declared disaster zone

Fires in Turkey are being extinguished by Ukrainian aviation – – Areas of forest fires in the provinces of Adana, Antalya, Mugla, Mersin and Osmaniyya were declared disaster zones. Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan on Saturday, July 31, declared the regions of the country affected by fires a disaster zone. “We have declared our regions … Read more

Turkey began to use gas produced in the Black Sea

Turkey began to use gas produced in the Black Sea

Photo: Screenshot Fatih vessel discovers new gas fields in the Black Sea – – Turkey has carried out drilling operations in the Black Sea despite attempts to thwart it with sanctions, threats, blackmail and intimidation, President Erdogan said. Turkey first started using natural gas, which was produced in the Black Sea. President of the country … Read more

Cyprus joins NATO with Turkey’s permission

Cyprus joins NATO with Turkey’s permission

loading… ANKARA – Merging of Cyprus into NATO subject to approval from Turkey. This was confirmed by the President Turkey , Tayyip Erdogan. “NATO documents say that until Turkey gives its approval, under no circumstances can South Cyprus (the Republic of Cyprus) enter NATO,” Erdogan said. Also read: US threatens multiple sanctions against Turkey: ‘F-35 … Read more

Shhh… Erdoan Calls Israel’s President, This Is The Contents Of The Conversation

Shhh… Erdoan Calls Israel’s President, This Is The Contents Of The Conversation

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Photo: Turkish Presidential Press Office/Handout via REUTERS, ANKARA – Turkey’s relations with Israel are showing signs of improvement. Monday (12/7), President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan contacted Israeli President Isaac Herzog. “President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to Israeli President Isaac Herzog by telephone,” the Turkish Communications Directorate said in … Read more

Uighur Muslims Must Be Equal to Chinese Citizens

Uighur Muslims Must Be Equal to Chinese Citizens

loading… ANKARA – President Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his colleagues from China , President Xi Jinping , it is important for Turkey that Muslim Uighur living in peace as a citizen on par with China. Even so, he said, Turkey still respects China’s sovereignty. Erdogan made the remarks during a phone call with Xi … Read more

9.7 million unemployed, double the government’s figures

9.7 million unemployed, double the government’s figures

An independent study by DİSK-AR disavows the “understated” report from the TurkStat agency. Among women, unemployment is around 33.7%; for men it is 23.9%. Worse still in young people: 42.4% cannot find a job. Ankara considers unemployed only those who are “active” in the search for work. – Istanbul (AsiaNews / Agencies) – Real unemployment … Read more

Biden and Erdoan Meet, Optimistic About Relationship but No Breakthrough

Biden and Erdoan Meet, Optimistic About Relationship but No Breakthrough

loading… BRUSSELS – President United States of America (USA) Joe Biden and President Turkey Tayyip Erdogan sounded optimistic after their first face-to-face talks on Monday. However, they did not announce any major breakthroughs in relations between the two NATO allies. They are still at odds about weapons made in Russia, Syria, Libya and other issues. … Read more

Ahead of his meeting with Biden, Erdogan launches Psywar

Ahead of his meeting with Biden, Erdogan launches Psywar

loading… ANKARA – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned that United States of America (USA) risks losing a valuable friend if you try to corner Turkey . This was revealed by Erdogan two weeks ahead of his first meeting with his US colleagues, Joe Biden . The already strained U.S. -Turkish relations have deteriorated since Biden … Read more

This Mafia boss says Turkey under President Erdogan has supplied Syrian terrorist groups

This Mafia boss says Turkey under President Erdogan has supplied Syrian terrorist groups

Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker. (Source: Ahval News) ANKARA, KOMPAS.TV Turkish mafia boss Sedat Peker has again attacked the government of President Tayyip Erdogan on charges of supplying weapons to Syrian terrorist groups. Peker, who lives in self-imposed exile in Dubai, by uploading a video on Youtube on Sunday (30/5/2021), exposed the scandal of the … Read more

Turkey begins construction of the Istanbul Canal

Turkey begins construction of the Istanbul Canal

The Istanbul Canal will connect the Black and Marmara Seas – – The length of the navigable artery, which will be built around the Bosphorus, is more than 40 meters. With its help, the authorities plan to increase exports. The largest infrastructure project in the history of Turkey – the construction of the Istanbul Canal … Read more