What happens to the prices of Hoplop and Leo’s Leikkimaa tickets? This is how the company responds – 2024-09-07 19:11:42

What happens to the prices of Hoplop and Leo’s Leikkimaa tickets? This is how the company responds
 – 2024-09-07 19:11:42

The company says it will inform about the matter if there are any changes to the parks due to renovations. The company does not say directly whether there will be an additional price for park tickets. KIMMO HAAPALA Leos Hoplop, which runs Suomen Hoploppe and Leo’s Leikkimai, seems to continue operating the indoor playgrounds normally … Read more

Fourlis Group: Strategic agreement with Foot Locker – 2024-08-30 09:16:25

Fourlis Group: Strategic agreement with Foot Locker
 – 2024-08-30 09:16:25

The Fourlis group signed a strategic agreement with Foot Locker, changing the track in the sportswear industry, as it not only strengthens its leading shares in the said industry, but mainly lays the groundwork for more than doubling its sales in the medium term. As the president of the group, Vassilis Fourlis, revealed a while … Read more

A traditional mail order company drifted into a crisis – 2024-08-28 21:15:00

A traditional mail order company drifted into a crisis
 – 2024-08-28 21:15:00

Among other things, the private equity company Nordic Capital, which owns the Finnish lock manufacturer Iloq, announced on Wednesday that it will give up its majority ownership in Ellos. Also operating in Finland, Ellos is mainly focused on the mail order of clothes, accessories and interior furniture. Anu Kivistö The Swedish mail order company Ellos, … Read more

Jussi from Jyväskylä suddenly received absurd messages – “Strong ties to the Russian state” – 2024-08-05 20:48:08

Jussi from Jyväskylä suddenly received absurd messages – “Strong ties to the Russian state”
 – 2024-08-05 20:48:08

Jussi Muurikainen, who actively supports Ukraine, got to experience what hybrid influence is in practice. A person from Jyväskylä dedicated to supporting war-torn Ukraine Jussi Muurikainen was spending his summer vacation when he started receiving messages through various channels last Tuesday. Several of Muurikainen’s collaborators told him about the e-mails that had been sent in … Read more