social security contributions for small businesses with fewer than 10 employees canceled

social security contributions for small businesses with fewer than 10 employees canceled

In mid-April, Gérald Darmanin, Minister of Public Accounts, announced that companies in the hotel, catering and arts and entertainment sectors should benefit from the cancellation of charges amounting to 750 million euros to overcome the coronavirus crisis. This Monday evening, the minister announced that the government was going further by announcing a long-awaited measure                     : … Read more

Russian industry plunged into depression

Russian industry plunged into depression

In April, Russian industry fully felt the “cold breath” of the viral crisis and the consequences of the authorities’ struggle against it – demand collapsed on a scale comparable to the 2008 crisis, a survey of industrial enterprises conducted by the Institute of Economic Policy named. Gaidar. If in 2008 companies recorded a decrease in … Read more

For the independence of the Labor Inspectorate and the immediate reinstatement of Anthony Smith

For the independence of the Labor Inspectorate and the immediate reinstatement of Anthony Smith

Grandstand. Since April 15, 2020, Anthony Smith, labor inspector of the Marne department, former secretary general of the CGT-TEFP and member of his national office, representing labor inspectors at the National Council of Labor Inspection, can no longer exercise its missions to protect the health and safety of workers. He was indeed laid off by … Read more

Restaurants will ask customers to measure fever and wash hands in post-emergency state

Restaurants will ask customers to measure fever and wash hands in post-emergency state

Customers sitting at safe distances, disinfecting their hands at the restaurant entrance, measuring body temperature and carrying out covid-19 tests on workers are some of the rules that the restaurant has proposed to the Government for the post-state of emergency. Jorge Santos, a restaurant entrepreneur and responsible for BB Gourmet in Campo Alegre, Porto, knows … Read more

In the Korian Ehpad, “swallowed up by the wave” of the Covid-19

In the Korian Ehpad, “swallowed up by the wave” of the Covid-19

For the past month, the fatal countdowns have been making headlines in the press: at “Villa Victoria” in Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis), 25 deaths; the “Aurélias” of Pollionnay (Rhône), 28 deaths; at “la Vill’Alizé” in Thise (Doubs), 26 deaths … And the heaviest death toll known to date, at “la Riviera” de Mougins and its 36 dead … Read more

TJMaxx and Marshalls will temporarily suspend staff starting this Saturday

TJMaxx and Marshalls will temporarily suspend staff starting this Saturday

Most of the employees of the TJMaxx and Marshalls chains will be temporarily laid off from this Saturday of Glory, which will impact thousands of workers of the corporation in the United States and Canada. This was reported Ernie herman, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of TJX, which groups the TJMaxx, Marshalls, HomeSense, HomeGoods, … Read more

Has La Poste hidden 24 million masks since the start of the epidemic?

Has La Poste hidden 24 million masks since the start of the epidemic?

Question asked by Kevin on 04/07/2020 Hello, You are referring to a press release from the SUD federation of postal and telecommunications activities, published on Monday. Entitled “Mind-blowing, the Post Office hides millions of masks“, The press release, taken up in particular by rebellious deputy Alexis Corbière, writes that the Post Office has 24 million … Read more

In Rodez, the epidemic makes the future of diesel workers even more uncertain

In Rodez, the epidemic makes the future of diesel workers even more uncertain

Will reopen, not reopen? At the Bosch factory in Onet-le-Château, near Rodez, since the start of the health crisis, the question arises every week. On the one hand, the factory management ensures that sufficient barrier gestures are put in place, with distances of one meter between employees and a gradual restart workshop by workshop to … Read more

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

“Every day, I have a lump in my stomach as soon as I wake up. I’m scared to go to work “, explains Anne (1). This 20-year-old Frenchwoman works at Teleperformance in Athens. She is one of those voices who, from a telephone platform, provide technical assistance or after-sales service for international brands. Apple, Hewlett … Read more