the black scenario of the second wave worries Macron

the black scenario of the second wave worries Macron

The President of the Republic has a great fear: a restart of the epidemic after two months of confinement. By François-Xavier Bourmaud– –The President of the Republic by videoconference from the Interior Ministry crisis cell. POOL / REUTERS Step by step, the deconfinement continues under the close supervision of Emmanuel Macron. The President of the … Read more

‘Macron excludes the start of the Tour de France on the planned date at the end of June’ | NOW

The Tour de France will definitely not start on the scheduled date of June 27. French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed this to the French newspaper on Monday evening Le Dauphiné Libéré. At the beginning of the evening, Macron gave a press conference in which he announced, among other things, that no large public events should … Read more

News from 6 p.m. – Coronavirus: what we know about Emmanuel Macron’s speech

News from 6 p.m. – Coronavirus: what we know about Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Her last televised speech on March 16 had gathered more than 35 millions French. No doubt viewers will be as numerous this Monday April 13, the wait is so great. that will Emmanuel Macron say? What can he announce after almost a month of containment ? The President widely consulted throughout the past week from … Read more

In Mulhouse, an evangelical gathering too feverish?

In Mulhouse, an evangelical gathering too feverish?

It was the world before, the time of a certain carelessness, of the miracle in public. That evening, Tuesday, February 18, Pastor Samuel Peterschmitt is still joking. On the stage at the back of the worship hall, the fifties with salt and pepper hair, relaxed in blue shirt and jeans, wanders microphone in hand. Like … Read more

Has La Poste hidden 24 million masks since the start of the epidemic?

Has La Poste hidden 24 million masks since the start of the epidemic?

Question asked by Kevin on 04/07/2020 Hello, You are referring to a press release from the SUD federation of postal and telecommunications activities, published on Monday. Entitled “Mind-blowing, the Post Office hides millions of masks“, The press release, taken up in particular by rebellious deputy Alexis Corbière, writes that the Post Office has 24 million … Read more

Faced with the epidemic, Philippe tightens the bolts of the government

Faced with the epidemic, Philippe tightens the bolts of the government

Say but don’t let say anymore. After a series of controversies at the summit, Edouard Philippe has seriously taken over the government’s crisis communication during the time of the coronavirus. “I want to speak clearly”, promised the Prime Minister this Saturday during a very long question and answer session renamed “Operation Transparency” by Matignon. “I … Read more

Corona in France: they only help the oldest patients to die

Corona in France: they only help the oldest patients to die

C.éline, a nurse in intensive care medicine at the University Hospital in Strasbourg, is bursting into tears more and more often. Because there is already Italian conditions in France: triage, How disaster and war medics describe the selection of patients with better chances of survival has long been on the agenda in Alsace. The hospitals … Read more

Coronavirus: behind the scenes of the standoff between Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson

Coronavirus: behind the scenes of the standoff between Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson

Everything was ready to close the border between France and the United Kingdom by Friday evening. In the morning, Emmanuel Macron called the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to warn him: if he persisted in taking no measures to stop the progression of the coronavirus pandemic on his territory, France would have no other choice … Read more

LIVE – Municipal 2020 – 18.3% attendance at noon, down five points compared to 2014

LIVE – Municipal 2020 – 18.3% attendance at noon, down five points compared to 2014

EELV After the announcement of Emmanuel Macron to maintain the municipal elections on March 15 and 22, David Belliard, the leader of Europe ecology-the Greens, approved this decision by indicating that “the good holding of the elections is essential for democracy “. “It is therefore necessary to do everything to ensure that this electoral deadline … Read more