Controversy Surrounding Igor Grigoriev and Kristina Bukhynbalte on House 2: Fans Outraged and TV Viewers Doubt His Love

Controversy Surrounding Igor Grigoriev and Kristina Bukhynbalte on House 2: Fans Outraged and TV Viewers Doubt His Love

Igor’s grandmother went home and asked her grandson not to quarrel with the guys in the team, and in case of psychosis, to go to the gym and hit a punching bag. Natalya Ivanovna wants her grandson to have many friends and good girlfriends, including Elina Rakhimova, which we wrote about in the shloka. But … Read more

Latest House 2 Rumors and News: December 27, 2023

Latest House 2 Rumors and News: December 27, 2023

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today December 27, 2023: Anna Samonina learns how to do eyelash extensions in her spare time. Maxim Evstropov supports his wife and is absolutely delighted that the girl is engaged in self-development. Maxim suggested that Anna study to become a psychologist; will there always be clients among her … Read more

Elina Rakhimova Confronts Igor Grigoriev on House 2 – Sparks Drama with Accusations of Cheating

Elina Rakhimova Confronts Igor Grigoriev on House 2 – Sparks Drama with Accusations of Cheating

During another conversation with Igor Grigoriev, Elina Rakhimova remembered how Bukhynbalte cheated on her husband. Everyone forgot about this story, so the viewers of House 2 were glad that Elina had loosened her tongue. On the evening broadcast of House 2 on 12/13/2023, Igor began to talk about Elina’s past on the project, reproaching her … Read more

House 2 Scandal: Sasha Cherno Injures Inna Grishutina in Verbal Showdown Turned Violent

House 2 Scandal: Sasha Cherno Injures Inna Grishutina in Verbal Showdown Turned Violent

On the project, a scandal occurred between two participants and a verbal showdown escalated into violence. According to reports from Polyana, Sasha Cherno injured Inna Grishutina, threw a mug at her and touched her opponent’s foot. Grishutina indignantly urged Cherno to behave normally, but Alexandra became very angry and lost control of herself. What angers … Read more

The Drama Unfolds: TV Presenter Returns with Gifts from Peru, Relationship Troubles and Friendship Betrayals

The Drama Unfolds: TV Presenter Returns with Gifts from Peru, Relationship Troubles and Friendship Betrayals

One of the presenters of the TV project returned to Polyana from Peru with gifts and immediately boasted to subscribers about new jackets and thermal underwear, which allows her to film outside for several hours. Frontal attacks will now be assigned to Nellie for a long time, because she needs to make up for lost … Read more

House 2 Latest News and Rumors for December 04, 2023

House 2 Latest News and Rumors for December 04, 2023

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today December 04, 2023: Elizaveta Subbotina accuses Daria Kravchenko of assault. During the quarrel, Dasha “slapped” Lisa on the head, after which Subbotina began talking about Dasha’s addiction to grape drinks and indecent behavior. Dasha noticed that Lisa loved Bezus, flirted with Daniil Sakhnov and Maxim, a friend … Read more

Elina’s 28th Birthday: A New Addition and Party Plans

Elina’s 28th Birthday: A New Addition and Party Plans

Elina turned 28 years old and on this occasion she accepted congratulations and gifts all day. Alexandra Cherno gave Elina Rakhimova a dog, and Igor Grigoriev’s grandmother immediately noticed that the puppy was now a “child” for Eli and she needed it so that she would not scream and control herself. Rakhimova agreed that in … Read more

Exposing Hypocrisy: Elina Rakhimova and the Deceit of her Former Friend

Exposing Hypocrisy: Elina Rakhimova and the Deceit of her Former Friend

While Elina Rakhimova is looking for evidence of intimacy between Igor Grigoriev and Christina Bukhynbalte, Chris herself exposes the hypocrisy and deceit of her former friend. Kristina not only reminded Sasha Cherno and other participants about Rakhimova’s attempts to seduce Ivan Barzikov, but also sarcastically advised Grigoriev to admit that there was passion, and everything … Read more