Caution, DHF patients who are treated at home should not take this medicine

Thursday, 21 July 2022 – 03:00 WIB – There are several drugs that should not be taken by dengue patients who are treated at home. Illustration photo: Ricardo/, JAKARTA – Patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) who can drink enough, urinate every 4-6 hours, have no comorbidities, and do not show danger signs, such … Read more

Lack of Drinking Water and Dehydration, Beware of Complications

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Adequate fluid in the body is very important. A hydrated body at least has the ability to fight viruses. Drinking water it also helps oxygenate cells so they will work at full capacity, helping to protect the body against foreign objects that try to enter, then fight them off. The Dean of … Read more

Learn about Kahraba’s position on Maran Al-Ahly after the fine and suspension

Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, Al-Ahly’s player, will run a training session in the “gym” tomorrow, Saturday, and will continue his individual training sessions in the gym during Al-Ahly’s group training until his fate is decided from Al-Ahly’s collective training. Al-Ahly had announced a fine of 200,000 pounds and a one-month suspension from matches due to … Read more

A source in Al-Ahly: Kahraba is committed to the penalty … and we reject the attempts to slaughter the player

A source in the Al-Ahly club said that Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim Kahraba, the team’s player, is fully committed to the penalty that the club signed against him yesterday, Wednesday, due to his crisis with South Africa, Betso Mosimane, coach of the Red Team. The source revealed Kahraba’s admission of the mistake and his apology to the … Read more

Pitso Musimani escalates the position against Mahmoud Kahraba with a new penalty

Watch periodical news in a day .. Subscribe now – – South African Al-Ahly club coach Pitso Mosimane decided to double the penalty for the team’s player, Mahmoud Kahraba, after he was suspended from matches for a month and fined. The director of football, Sayed Abdel Hafeez, informed the player Mahmoud Kahraba of his exclusion … Read more

All you need to know about the Kahraba crisis with the Sudanese Martian

The case of Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim Kahraba and the Sudanese Al-Merrikh occupied many people during the last period after Sudanese press reports indicated that Al-Merrikh had decided to file an official complaint against Kahraba to the African Union for the allegation of racism that was issued by the Al-Ahly player towards his counterpart in Mars during … Read more

Al-Ahly reveals the scenes of the foreign shows of Kahraba, Shahat and Rabia

Amir Tawfiq, director of contracts at Al-Ahly club, revealed the truth about the external offer that the club received for its player Hussein Al-Shahat, explaining that all that was raised in this regard were just rumors, and that the player is continuing with Al-Ahly and there is no truth to his final departure, besides that … Read more

The killer product is here! The electrolyte and diaphragm plates of solid-state batteries flashed! Will the industry welcome major changes? _ Oriental Fortune Network

Original title: The killer product is here! As soon as the solid-state battery came out, the electrolyte and diaphragm plates flashed! Will the industry welcome major changes? Summary [Killerproductiscoming!Theelectrolyteanddiaphragmplatesofsolid-statebatteriesflashed!Willtheindustrywelcomemajorchanges?】Niowillusesolid-statebatterytechnologytosupportitsnewmodelET7withabatterylifeofmorethan1000kilometersLithiumbatterydiaphragmandelectrolyterelatedcompanieswillbeaffectedHoweverthebatteryisonly”semi-solid”anditisnearlytwoyearsawayfrombeingputintouseanditstechnicalrouteisstillinatransitionalstageTheindustrypredictsthatmassproductionofreal”allsolid-statebatteries”willstilltake5-10years(ecompanyofficialmicro)   Wei LaiWill use solid-state battery technology to support its new model ET7 battery life to exceed 1,000 kilometers, lithium battery diaphragm and electrolyte relatedthe companyGet shocked. … Read more

Kahraba announces his readiness to face Zamalek … and Hani’s surprise at Maran Al-Ahly

Private sources revealed that Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba, the left wing of the Al-Ahly football first team, participated in the red training yesterday and today, and announced his readiness to face Zamalek, scheduled for tomorrow night at Cairo Stadium, in the African Champions League final. The sources said that Kahraba participated in the training and … Read more

Ahlawy optimism about Kahraba’s cure from “Corona” and his entry into the Africa final camp

Al-Ahly club officials expressed their optimism about the transformation of the sample of Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim Kahraba, the team’s player, from positive to negative, after the player spoke with the medical device during the past hours, during which Kahraba confirmed that his condition has improved significantly and that he has cured the virus, explaining to Red … Read more