Pertalite Killer Fuel Substitute for Electric Vehicles by Pertamina with the Quality Equivalent to Pertamax Turbo Only 3 thousand

Pertalite Killer Fuel Substitute for Electric Vehicles by Pertamina with the Quality Equivalent to Pertamax Turbo Only 3 thousand

Tuesday 12-20-2022, 05:22 WIB Reporter: Permanent Reza| Publisher: Permanent Reza Replace Pertalite BBM killing electric vehicles by Pertamina, replace Pertalite BBM with the same quality of Pertamax Turbo is only 3 thousand.-pertamina niaga- JAKARTA, DISWAY.ID – Electric vehicles have become one of the most popular vehicles, even the government has decided to provide subsidies for … Read more

The purchase of this electric car risks not obtaining a Rp subsidy. 80 million?

The purchase of this electric car risks not obtaining a Rp subsidy.  80 million?

Jakarta – Electric car buyers will receive a sizable subsidy from the government. So far the grant amount is still being calculated but the estimate is around IDR 80 million. Apart from electric cars, buyers of hybrid cars also have the opportunity to receive a subsidy of IDR 40 million. Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita … Read more

Electric car buyers will receive Rp subsidies. 80 million – Electric motorcycles Rp. 8 million

Electric car buyers will receive Rp subsidies.  80 million – Electric motorcycles Rp.  8 million

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Minister of Industrial Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita he said the government would sell out subsidy huge for buyers electric vehicle in Indonesia. For electric car buyers who have factories in Indonesia, the subsidy amount that will be granted is IDR 80 million. Meanwhile, a subsidy of IDR 40 million will be … Read more