Jokowi promises to spend IDR 5 trillion on electric vehicle incentives, electric car – motorcycle allocation?

Jokowi promises to spend IDR 5 trillion on electric vehicle incentives, electric car – motorcycle allocation?

TIME.CO, Jakarta -The government has prepared an incentive of IDR 5 trillion which will be given to the public for purchases electric vehicle from cars, motorbikes, to buses. This was done on the basis that President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has seen similar policies implemented by all countries of the world, especially Europe. Calculations and … Read more

Government wants Rp 80 million electric car subsidy, Banggar DPR: nonsense!

Government wants Rp 80 million electric car subsidy, Banggar DPR: nonsense!

Jakarta – Budget head or Parliament of the Republic of IndonesiaSaid Abdullah also responded to the government’s plan to provide grants for electric vehicles. According to Said, the plan makes no sense and needs to be reviewed. It is known, according to the government plan, the purchase of electric cars will receive a subsidy of … Read more

To be subsidized by the government, this is a series of names for local electric motorcycle manufacturers

To be subsidized by the government, this is a series of names for local electric motorcycle manufacturers

Jakarta – Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has leaked that the government will provide subsidies for the use of electric vehicles. This will also encourage the purchase of new electric motors and the conversion of engines from petrol engines to electric motors. “For new electric motorcycles, the incentive is also around Rp. 8 million. Meanwhile, … Read more

Rp’s electric car subsidy. 80 million is considered a blurring of justice, this is the denial of the Ministry of Finance

Rp’s electric car subsidy.  80 million is considered a blurring of justice, this is the denial of the Ministry of Finance

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Head of the Tax Policy Office of the Ministry of Finance o Ministry of Finance Febrio Nathan Kacaribu responded to the opinion of a number of parties regarding the grant plan electric machine and electric motorcycles as a policy that blurs the sense of budgetary justice. According to him, giving subsidies from … Read more

Electric car buyers will receive Rp subsidies. 80 million – Electric motorcycles Rp. 8 million

Electric car buyers will receive Rp subsidies.  80 million – Electric motorcycles Rp.  8 million

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Minister of Industrial Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita he said the government would sell out subsidy huge for buyers electric vehicle in Indonesia. For electric car buyers who have factories in Indonesia, the subsidy amount that will be granted is IDR 80 million. Meanwhile, a subsidy of IDR 40 million will be … Read more

Fun! The purchase of an electric car will be subsidized Rp. 80 million, a hybrid car for Rp. 40 million

Fun!  The purchase of an electric car will be subsidized Rp.  80 million, a hybrid car for Rp.  40 million

Jakarta – Electric car price and electric motors will be cheaper. The government plans to provide incentives so that the price of electric cars and electric motorcycles is more accessible to the public. There will be subsidies for electric and hybrid cars up to IDR 80 million! It’s no secret, the price of electric cars … Read more

Incentive for electric car IDR 80 million, electric motorcycle IDR 8 million

Incentive for electric car IDR 80 million, electric motorcycle IDR 8 million

Jakarta – Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that the incentive plan for the purchase of electric vehicles is currently being finalized. Approximately the government will provide incentives for the purchase of electric cars up to IDR 80 million. “We will calculate the subsidy amount, but about an incentive of Rp. 80 million … Read more