PDIP vs Pro Anies Political Parties regarding Sins That Have Not Been Laundered

PDIP vs Pro Anies Political Parties regarding Sins That Have Not Been Laundered

Jakarta – The remnants of the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilgub have not been forgotten by the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. Anies Baswedan leave the ‘pilkada sin’, while the party pro Anies Baswedan dismiss assumptions PDIP. PDIP politician Deddy Sitorus initially said there were sins that Anies Baswedan had not washed … Read more

PKS Wants Anies Candidate Candidate to Have High Winning Capacity

PKS Wants Anies Candidate Candidate to Have High Winning Capacity

Jakarta – The Democratic Party talks about figures Vice President Anies Baswedan who is capable of breaking into the presidential and cawapres order that appears to the public. PKS spokesperson M Kholid said that the figure of vice president Anies needs to be discussed together and has a high capacity to win. “We at PKS … Read more

Even after ten rounds of voting, there is still no new Speaker of the House of Representatives

Even after ten rounds of voting, there is still no new Speaker of the House of Representatives

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•yesterday, 22:52•Edited today, 00:18 There is still no new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. On the third day of the election, Republican presidential candidate Kevin McCarthy also failed to win a majority. The votes were cast for the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth time. McCarthy received 200 votes in the final … Read more

“If Messi decides to run…” Presidential election poll “overwhelming 1st place”

“If Messi decides to run…” Presidential election poll “overwhelming 1st place”

The second search term is “next president” Messi? and. Argentine soccer hero Lionel Messi, who led Qatar to World Cup wins, has a high chance of winning the upcoming presidential election, according to a local poll. As a result of an Argentine polling agency asking 2,500 people, 43.7% of respondents said they would support Messi … Read more

Demonstration heats up, Prima Party mass forced into KPU building!

Demonstration heats up, Prima Party mass forced into KPU building!

Jakarta – The masses of the Just Prosperous People’s Party (First) which performs the action on the building KPU extension hotter and hotter. At first the police came forward, now the protesters are trying to force their way into the KPU. monitoring detik com at the place, on Wednesday (14/12/2022), initially the masses carried out … Read more