LAPAN Call the Best Time to See Alpha Centauri Meteor Rain

LAPAN Call the Best Time to See Alpha Centauri Meteor Rain

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Researcher of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Rhorom Priyatikanto said the peak of the Alpha Centauri meteor shower will occur on February 8 to 9, 2021 at sky Indonesia. “Between February 8-9. The direction of the beam near the star Alpha Centauri in the south,” he told, … Read more

Raid on Keupstrasse in Cologne: Money laundering gang targeted

Raid on Keupstrasse in Cologne: Money laundering gang targeted

January 27, 2021 at 12:43 pm Searches also in Cologne : Eight arrests in a raid against a money laundering gang <!– <!– – <!– – 7 pictures Raid against money laundering gang in Keupstrasse in Cologne Photo: dpa / Thomas Banneyer – – Cologne / Essen On the trail of dirty money: More than … Read more

Digital economist Chen Xiaohua: Eight risks of virtual currencies

Original Title: Chen Xiaohua, Digital Economist: Eight Risks of Virtual Currency Xinhua Finance, Beijing, January 9th. There are four main reasons why Bitcoin has exploded and even exceeded $40,000. First of all, Bitcoin was launched on the occasion of the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008. As time goes by, its ecology has become more … Read more

Live Streaming Link ‘Collision’ of Two Giant Planets Jupiter and Saturn, Watch Tomorrow Night

Live Streaming Link ‘Collision’ of Two Giant Planets Jupiter and Saturn, Watch Tomorrow Night

THE MIND OF THE PEOPLE – On Monday, December 21, 2020 tomorrow, the sky phenomenon will appear. Two giant planets Jupiter and Saturn gets locked in conjunction. In astronomy this unique and rare sight is called Great Conjunction (The Great Conjunction) or the Christmas Star (Christmas Star). What is that Great Conjunction? Great Conjunction is … Read more

City of Krefeld is thinking about firing a ban on New Year’s Eve

City of Krefeld is thinking about firing a ban on New Year’s Eve

eädrWnh rbermesüOetbrrige kFarn eeMyr mi Rauatsh ITM Blcik AFU oath tnigeednse elZCoannhra o-chon Beur loölvtbreBer to a arround aSttdndsiee uz irevtlseS nkcdta, ehn seat which refeKdlre UCD ertsbei Ennie cithrtS wetei.r That eatsdroritemkhCn eereetarnitb INEE eVrloag Fru day tureBrekvzgreistn sO, a red germ – aibhugngän nvo 9i1oCvd- – uzm wcraeseshehlJ ine srelleeeng eeFouvseertrrbwk durn mu … Read more

Is it true that Indonesia will join in hunting aliens in 2021?

Is it true that Indonesia will join in hunting aliens in 2021?

Nusantaratv.with– National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Eight) has promised to start looking exoplanet and life outside the solar system by 2021. “The media uses the term ‘looking for extraterrestrial life’, but the technical term is the search for habitable exoplanets,” said the head of Lapan, Thomas Djamaluddin, Wednesday (28/10) as quoted by Jakpost via … Read more

C-Mask, the smart mask that translates into up to eight languages ​​| Gadgets

C-Mask, the smart mask that translates into up to eight languages ​​|  Gadgets

After the confinement measures it was to be expected that the following would be the mandatory use of masks. And so it has happened. This has triggered the imagination of those who find a place for a business at any opportunity in life., and what better way to take advantage of these times of crisis … Read more

With 2,189 new cases and 26 deaths, there are 1,232 deaths – News story

With 2,189 new cases and 26 deaths, there are 1,232 deaths – News story

A total of 2,189 new positive cases of coronavirus occurred this Sunday in the country, with which 59,933 contagions have already accumulated since the start of the pandemic, while 16 deaths were reported in the afternoon, so they totaled 26 in the last 24 hours and there were 1,232 total deaths . According to the … Read more

10 new deaths confirmed and total rises to 1,217 – News story

10 new deaths confirmed and total rises to 1,217 – News story

Ten new deaths from coronavirus were registered in the country and there are already 1,217 deaths from this disease, as reported by the National Ministry of Health on Sunday morning. According to the report of the health portfolio, these are six men, three of 62, 86 and 62 years of age residing in the province … Read more

Valncia receives 50,000 gift masks from a Chinese city with which they twinned eight years ago

Valncia receives 50,000 gift masks from a Chinese city with which they twinned eight years ago

“In common misadventures, minds are reconciled and friendships are strengthened.” This is the phrase that accompanies the 50,000 masks that the Chinese city of Guangzhou has given València, twin cities since 2012 and now united again in the disgrace of the coronavirus. The Mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, has highlighted solidarity between cities beyond borders … Read more