Full explanation of the former OVO officer who allegedly tortured his children and wife

Full explanation of the former OVO officer who allegedly tortured his children and wife

Jakarta – Viral videos showing child abuse go viral on social media. The author’s name is Rajen Indrajana Sofiandi, a former OVO official. In the aftermath of the viral video, the author provided an explanation. According to him this case is already handled by the police. “Actually this matter has been handled by the police … Read more

Eating Eggs For 4 Days Consecutive… Diagnosed Child Cried “I’m Almost A Poor Man” Wife Has No Choice But To Disclosure The Truth | International | CTWANT extension

Eating Eggs For 4 Days Consecutive… Diagnosed Child Cried “I’m Almost A Poor Man” Wife Has No Choice But To Disclosure The Truth |  International |  CTWANT extension

There is a wife surnamed Li in Jinan, Shandong, China. Because her son and her husband were diagnosed with the disease, she has been cooking for the past few days. As a result, the food was eggs for 4 consecutive days, which made her child collapse. Although she could not bear it, she could only … Read more