The US has become the largest buyer of Russian refined oil through India

The US has become the largest buyer of Russian refined oil through India

India increased its purchases of Russian crude oil in January from already record levels in the previous month. And, astonishingly, the United States has become the largest buyer of refined products, despite Washington’s pleas to the rest of the world not to buy Russian fuel. India’s purchases of Russian crude shot up to 1.7 million … Read more

Mandiri KUR Ceiling 2023, Credit Loans for Small and Medium Enterprises, Note Submission Requirements

Mandiri KUR Ceiling 2023, Credit Loans for Small and Medium Enterprises, Note Submission Requirements

DIY NEWS – Here’s the information ceiling Independent KUR 2023, loans credit effort small and medium notes requirement for the disbursement process Mandiri Bank. Defrosting process Independent KUR how long, ceiling Independent KUR 2023 start how until requirement Independent KUR. Independent KUR 2023 is one of the loan services from Mandiri Bank what is expected, … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Tact is a must for Sagittarius, unplanned purchases for Capricorns

Alena’s horoscope: Tact is a must for Sagittarius, unplanned purchases for Capricorns

ARIES At the workplace, put aside your tasks until noon and finish the work you started a while ago. You have decided to visit your friends in the evening, but without your family, and this will make them nervous and worried. Promise them you won’t be too late and you’ll be home for dinner. Be … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Financial receipts for Leos, Virgos with success beyond expectations

Alena’s horoscope: Financial receipts for Leos, Virgos with success beyond expectations

ARIES Unwanted meetings make you nervous from the morning. Be patient, listen to the visitors who approach you cheekily, but refuse them your help. Then attend to your duties. Don’t let problems take over your mind. It is possible that you will reap professional and financial successes before noon. You have the opportunity to fix … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Colleagues envy Sagittarius, blame Capricorns

Alena’s horoscope: Colleagues envy Sagittarius, blame Capricorns

ARIES Good luck is with you all day. At work, you encounter difficulties that you are able to overcome and cope with your duties. Do not share your plans with anyone if you are developing your own business. It’s time to realize that you are stronger when you keep your plans quiet, because that way … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Libras with labor feats, Scorpios with new achievements

Alena’s horoscope: Libras with labor feats, Scorpios with new achievements

ARIES Do not share with anyone if you won a large amount of money today, because you will be bombarded with requests for loans. Don’t show generosity. Consider all contracts, but do not sign them. You have a day ahead that will bring you income and recognition due to successfully completed negotiations and the signing … Read more

Record increase in the price of cheese and meat

Record increase in the price of cheese and meat

Inflation for the whole of 2022 is 16.9%, NSI announced Cheese has exceeded BGN 25 per kilogram, butter is over BGN 7.60 per 250 grams Eggs rose in price by 65% Food prices rose by 25.6% last year, the National Statistical Institute announced. And inflation for the whole of 2022 is 16.9%. In the case … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Aquarians receive praise, Pisces in successful conversations

Alena’s horoscope: Aquarians receive praise, Pisces in successful conversations

ARIES Be careful if you have to make decisive business changes on the day off, because Mercury is in its retrograde motion and imposes restrictions, caution and moderation. Don’t make hasty business decisions. Take care of your elderly relative, take him to the doctor if necessary, communicate so that he gathers strength to continue his … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Gemini shines with intelligence, Cancers avoid trouble with the traffic police

Alena’s horoscope: Gemini shines with intelligence, Cancers avoid trouble with the traffic police

ARIES Your coworkers can’t get into your rhythm with work activities and try to stall you in Mercury retrograde, despite unexpected problems across the country. Your professional plans are made according to your expectations. Everyone is on your side if you are patient. A new love relationship will cause you problems if you have not … Read more

‘Kraken’ virus… new strain of ‘Corona’ mutant again raises concern from World Health Organization

‘Kraken’ virus… new strain of ‘Corona’ mutant again raises concern from World Health Organization

Dubbed “Kraken,” experts predict Omicron’s new XBB.1.5 strain will cause the next big wave of Covid, thanks to its immune escape capability and extremely high transmissibility. World Health Organization officials have voiced the possibility that the troubling new variant also binds strongly to the cells it infects, allowing the virus to easily multiply in the … Read more