Spanish Congress approves by majority the recognition of Edmundo González

Spanish Congress approves by majority the recognition of Edmundo González

Madrid. The Spanish Congress of Deputies approved by 177 votes in favor against 164 against, a non-legislative proposal in which the opposition leader Edmundo González, who landed in Madrid last Monday as a political asylum seeker, is recognized as the “elected and legitimate” president of Venezuela. The ruling Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) voted against, … Read more

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González threatened with arrest warrant

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González threatened with arrest warrant

Caracas. Venezuelan prosecutors on Friday summoned opposition leader Edmundo González, who is under investigation for his allegations of fraud in the July 28 presidential election, to testify and warned that any violation of the law would result in an arrest warrant. This is the third summons issued by the prosecutor’s office this week. The two … Read more

Edmundo González fails to appear before the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office

Edmundo González fails to appear before the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office

Caracas. Venezuela’s former opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez failed to appear Monday at a hearing by the Attorney General’s Office, which issued a new summons for Tuesday over the publication of electoral data on a website that authorities consider a “usurpation of functions.” González, a 74-year-old former diplomat, has been under investigation since the first … Read more

Edmundo González defies Venezuelan Supreme Court summons

Edmundo González defies Venezuelan Supreme Court summons

Caracas. Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia on Wednesday defied a Supreme Court summons as part of a process called to “certify” the disputed presidential election in which President Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner. González, representative of the disqualified leader María Corina Machado, denounced fraud and claims to have evidence proving that she won … Read more

US warns Maduro of greater international pressure if he arrests opponents

US warns Maduro of greater international pressure if he arrests opponents

Washington. The United States ambassador to the OAS, Francisco Mora, warned Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Thursday that he would face international pressure “that he could not imagine” if he arrested opposition leaders María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia. “If Maduro decides to do that, he will activate the international community in ways he … Read more

Maduro offers to hand over “all” of the minutes

Maduro offers to hand over “all” of the minutes

Caracas. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro yesterday offered to hand over 100 percent of the minutes of the disputed elections that resulted in his re-election and assured that the opposition leaders who denounce fraud They should be behind barswhy They have blood on their hands. Opposition leaders María Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia … Read more

The political crisis in Venezuela deepens

The political crisis in Venezuela deepens

Caracas. The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela yesterday asked the National Electoral Council (CNE) to hand over the minutes of the vote count from the elections of July 28, in which Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected, amid allegations of fraud by the opposition. Hours earlier, the electoral authority ratified Maduro as Venezuela’s … Read more