the importance of the vaccine for pregnant women

the importance of the vaccine for pregnant women

Never harmless, seasonal flu is even less so in pregnant women, immunocompromised because of their condition, for which the consequences can be dramatic. “The flu can be much more severe, breathing difficulties take on proportions that are difficult to control, and a mother’s respiratory failure can have consequences for the fetus, indicates the Pr Yves … Read more

“There will be other epidemics of coronavirus”

“There will be other epidemics of coronavirus”

INTERVIEW – The head of the infectious diseases department at Bichat hospital believes that the fight against Covid-19 will allow the development of a vaccine against coronaviruses in general. –“Many people are afraid of vaccines, and that is nonsense. One of the reasons people don’t trust them is that they have been very effective. These … Read more

and now what scenario for the epidemic?

and now what scenario for the epidemic?

DECRYPTION – The most worrying hypothesis is that of “seasonal flu”, with a low mortality rate but a considerable number of infected people. –People wearing a preventive mask in Bangkok. Soe Zeya Tun / REUTERS / Only one month has passed since China published the genetic portrait of the new coronavirus that appeared in the … Read more

in Stockholm, at the heart of the European headquarters for the fight against the epidemic

in Stockholm, at the heart of the European headquarters for the fight against the epidemic

REPORT – The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) brings together experts and doctors to monitor the progress of ongoing epidemics, including that of the coronavirus. Through Frédéric Faux –Every morning, a meeting of experts and doctors on the ongoing epidemics takes place at the Emergency Operations Center in Stockholm. European Center for … Read more

Gard affected by an excess of brain tumors

Gard affected by an excess of brain tumors

Several cases of glioblastoma, a rare and very aggressive type of cancer of the central nervous system, have been observed in the municipalities of Salindres and Rousson. –This type of cancer is relatively uncommon: 3,481 cases were diagnosed in 2018 in France. CAVALLINI JAMES / BSIP / CAVALLINI JAMES / BSIP Salindres, an industrial town … Read more

The stage of the World Cup among Paralympic players will be seen live only by extreme Sakhalin residents

The stage of the World Cup among Paralympic players will be seen live only by extreme Sakhalin residents

12:50 February 6, 2020. The Sakhalin 2020 World Cup Paralympic Skiing World Cup starts in just a few days, and on the eve of it, the organizers held a press conference with IPC winter sports director general Dimitrie Lazarovski and island sports minister Sergey Burenkov. Traditionally, officials began with opening speeches. Most of the information … Read more

is it so interesting to run on E85 bioethanol?

is it so interesting to run on E85 bioethanol?

In France, we don’t have petroleum but we have bioethanol. As RTL revealed on Tuesday January 28, biofuel sales jumped 85% in 2019. E85, as it is called in service stations, is produced from cereals or beets in France. Shocking argument, this fuel costs less than 70 cents per liter on average. Bioethanol emits 50% … Read more

but by the way, what was SARS?

but by the way, what was SARS?

As a sign of the times, the first global epidemic of the 21st century was not made known by an organic name – plague or cholera – but by a threatening acronym: SARS. A name like an ophidian whistle that had spread via Internet channels emerging in the early 2000s. Since another coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, hatched … Read more

first three cases confirmed in France

first three cases confirmed in France

So far, Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn has been reassuring about the potential introduction of the 2019-nCoV Chinese virus in France. “The risk is low but not excluded”, she assured Tuesday. After stays in Wuhan, the cradle of the disease, two suspected cases were in fact“Revealed negative”. The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), … Read more

LIVE – Chinese coronavirus: ‘too early’ to declare an international emergency, says WHO

LIVE – Chinese coronavirus: ‘too early’ to declare an international emergency, says WHO

Here is the list of countries that have reported cases of illness due to SARS-like coronavirus since its spread from Wuhan, in the east-central China, where it first appeared in December. • Saudi ArabiaIndian nurse working in Saudi Arabia tested positive for Chinese coronavirus and hospitalized in this country, announced on 23 January authorities in … Read more