In Vaterstetten and Zorneding – dog owners network – Ebersberg

In Vaterstetten and Zorneding – dog owners network – Ebersberg

February 7, 2021, 9:41 pm In Vaterstetten and Zorneding:Dog owners network There is great concern about poison baits being laid out – A long walk with the dog should actually contribute to relaxation for humans and animals. But in Vaterstetten and Zorneding, hardly any dog ​​owner dares to look away from his animal, because in … Read more

District of Ebersberg – Saving food – Ebersberg

District of Ebersberg – Saving food – Ebersberg

January 29, 2021, 10:10 p.m. District of Ebersberg:Save food Association for food sharing founded in the district – The “Foodsharing Landkreis Ebersberg” association has now been founded at an online conference. 20 founding members want to work together to save food from being thrown into the bin in Ebersberg and then distribute it. According to … Read more

Less money for construction projects – Zorneding uses the red pencil – Ebersberg

Less money for construction projects – Zorneding uses the red pencil – Ebersberg

It is well known that people in Zorneding spend their money very carefully. It is not for nothing that the community has been debt-free for years. In the preliminary discussions of the budget for the current year, the municipal councils had to bring an extra portion of discipline with them, after all, given the corona … Read more

Video from Vaterstetten – Von Rinftln and Nebel – Ebersberg

Video from Vaterstetten – Von Rinftln and Nebel – Ebersberg

There are questions that sound harmless and yet cause explosives. “Where are you from?” Is one of them – and not just in the dialog between parents and offspring at 2:30 in the morning. But is a person’s origin, the region with whose dialect they were socialized automatically synonymous with “home”? What is this? Actor … Read more

Ebersberg – Kreis pays Munich – Ebersberg

Ebersberg – Kreis pays Munich – Ebersberg

The district is preparing for a long-term legal dispute over its small tax haven in the Ebersberger Forest. The money that the district wrongly collected in the opinion of the tax office, plus the interest accrued in the meantime, he now wants to pay to the state capital, as finance manager Brigitte Keller confirmed on … Read more