Benefits of Soaking Walnuts: Unleashing the Nutritional Power Within

Benefits of Soaking Walnuts: Unleashing the Nutritional Power Within

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A report published by “Times Of India” revealed benefits that exceed expectations when soaking walnuts in the right way. According to Al-Arabiya, some have recently started soaking walnuts, which is a step that may seem simple, but it unleashes a wide range of health benefits that walnuts carry within their shells. The report … Read more

The Dangers of Consuming Excessive Eggs: Expert Advice and Health Risks

The Dangers of Consuming Excessive Eggs: Expert Advice and Health Risks

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Gastroenterologist, Dr. Yekaterina Kachokh, warned against eating a large amount of eggs per day. yolk In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, the doctor revealed that the egg yolk contains cholesterol, whose high percentage in the body accelerates the process of atherosclerosis. She explained that eggs contain a full range of amino acids necessary for … Read more

The Health Effects of Hibiscus: Consultations for Certain Groups

The Health Effects of Hibiscus: Consultations for Certain Groups

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Alfi Halawani, one of the awareness leaders at King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah, revealed the effects of drinking hibiscus on health, and the groups that should consult a doctor before consuming it. And she said during her interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel: “Studies have shown the ability of hibiscus to lower blood pressure, … Read more

Kuwaiti Media Personality Halima Boland Tries Southern Cuisine in the Kingdom

Kuwaiti Media Personality Halima Boland Tries Southern Cuisine in the Kingdom

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A circulating video clip documented the experience of the Kuwaiti media, Halima Boland, for southern food in the Kingdom, “Al-Haneeth”. The video showed Halima Boland while she was talking to one of the chefs, saying, “What is the lunch.. God, what is this?” The chef replied, “This southern Haneeth is extracted from Kabsa..and … Read more

Yemeni Teacher Dies Unexpectedly While Eating Breakfast in Ibb Governorate

Yemeni Teacher Dies Unexpectedly While Eating Breakfast in Ibb Governorate

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A circulating video showed death surprising a Yemeni teacher while he was eating breakfast in a restaurant in Ibb Governorate. The video showed the teacher, “Abdul-Ghani Sufyan,” eating his last breakfast at a restaurant in Ibb Governorate, then he fell on the dining table, and when someone tried to help him, it turned … Read more

Unlocking the Potential Benefits of Grape Seed Extract: Insights from Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi

Unlocking the Potential Benefits of Grape Seed Extract: Insights from Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Researcher in the field of carcinogens, Dr. Fahd Al-Khudairi, revealed the benefits of grape seed extract, and how to treat health problems. Al-Khudairi said, through his Twitter account, that the peel and seeds of grapes are very rich in polyphenols, specifically proanthocyanidins, which can be used to treat various health problems by enhancing … Read more

Shocking Revelation: Egyptian Journalist and Family Consumed Donkey Meat for 20 Years

Shocking Revelation: Egyptian Journalist and Family Consumed Donkey Meat for 20 Years

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Egyptian journalist Mahmoud Saad revealed that he and his family ate donkey meat for 20 years because his mother was a victim of a butcher. He said, during a video clip on his personal account on the social networking site “Facebook”: “There was a butcher in Garden City. My mother used to go … Read more

The Best Drinks to Eliminate Cirrhosis: Insights from a Doctor

The Best Drinks to Eliminate Cirrhosis: Insights from a Doctor

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A doctor revealed the best drinks to eliminate cirrhosis, enlargement or cirrhosis of the liver. He explained during a video clip that these drinks are: “turmeric, green tea, thorns, peony or peony and licorice.” And he continued, the most important thing is to stay away from proteins such as red meat, eggs, and … Read more

The Impact of Tamees Bread on Diabetics: A Health Awareness Perspective

The Impact of Tamees Bread on Diabetics: A Health Awareness Perspective

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A content maker interested in health awareness revealed the effect of eating tamees bread on diabetics. And he said during a video clip: “Today I analyzed the sugar while I was fasting, the percentage was 104, and today I try Tamees bread, and after two hours I will measure the sugar.” He explained … Read more

The Truth About Hot Pepper and Heart Arteries: Expert Opinion

The Truth About Hot Pepper and Heart Arteries: Expert Opinion

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Cardiology and arterial catheterization consultant Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr explained the truth about what was rumored about the ability of hot pepper to open the arteries of the heart. Al-Nimr said, during a tweet he posted on his Twitter account, that a clip of a foreign woman has spread claiming that hot peppers take … Read more