EasyJet Pilots Reveal Scariest Airports in the World for Extra Training

EasyJet Pilots Reveal Scariest Airports in the World for Extra Training

Jakarta – easyJet airline pilots reveal the scariest airports in the world. To be able to take off and land here requires extra training. An easyJet pilot was asked via Tiktok about a certain challenging route to fly. He then revealed a number of destination airports that needed more training so that the plane could … Read more

Why flights to Mallorca are currently so expensive

Why flights to Mallorca are currently so expensive

The sky is slowly emptying Majorca. In the fall and winter months all airlines are limiting their offers, some are even suspending their flights altogether. So if you live on the island and want to visit family in Germany or go on holiday here or there, you need to stay flexible. Prices initially drop a … Read more