Madhyamam Reports on Expats Celebrating Easter in Their Community

Madhyamam Reports on Expats Celebrating Easter in Their Community

Dammam: Saudi expatriate community celebrates Easter. Unlike in the past, the Saudi community also came with greetings to the Christian expatriates. In addition to the country’s efforts to promote coexistence and harmony among communities, expatriates in Saudi Arabia have recently shown interest in learning about and participating in the various celebrations celebrated by expatriates. It … Read more

Code to embed a post about a poll on chocolate Easter treats from The Journal onto a website. Available in various sizes.

Code to embed a post about a poll on chocolate Easter treats from The Journal onto a website. Available in various sizes.

The article provides code for embedding a post about chocolate Easter treats on a website. The post includes a poll asking readers whether they prefer chocolate Easter eggs or bunnies. The results of the poll show that 62% of respondents prefer Easter eggs, while 38% prefer Easter bunnies. The article also includes code for embedding … Read more

“Václav Neckář Recalls Childhood Easter Memories and Announces 80th Birthday Concert”

“Václav Neckář Recalls Childhood Easter Memories and Announces 80th Birthday Concert”

In the Weekend Breakfast studio, Václav and Jan Neckář recalled how they spent Easter in their boyhood years. “Once we set a record in Ústí nad Labem, where we caroled all morning and brought home 150 hard-boiled eggs,” says Jan Neckář. “I suspect that we then ate them until the holidays,” he adds. Václav Neckár, … Read more

Thousands of Catholic pilgrims participated in an Easter procession in Larantuka, Indonesia after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic.

Thousands of Catholic pilgrims participated in an Easter procession in Larantuka, Indonesia after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic.

On Good Friday, thousands of Catholic pilgrims in eastern Indonesia participated in a centuries-old procession to commemorate Easter. This traditional event returned after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Around 7,000 people held Mass on Flores island’s Larantuka before transporting a box that was believed to hold a sacred Baby Jesus statue in a … Read more

“Alicante offers contrasting experiences for the Easter holiday”

“Alicante offers contrasting experiences for the Easter holiday”

Alicante is ready for the contrasts of the Easter holidays. From the crowds in Bad Gyal and Dellafuente in Rabassa to those who attend the processions in the center to the exhibitions in the museums or the family plans in the Castle of Santa Barbara. Whoever looks for his plan in music has Negrita Music … Read more

Happy Easter. What to write on an Easter card or in an SMS? Funny, short and religious Easter wishes

Happy Easter.  What to write on an Easter card or in an SMS?  Funny, short and religious Easter wishes

Wishes for Easter 2023 can be short. It is important that they are beautiful and personalized. It is worth remembering loved ones, friends and acquaintances during this special time. Easter wishes are an important element of the joyful Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord. We cannot forget about this important tradition at work, school … Read more

“How to Embed Posts on Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide”

“How to Embed Posts on Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide”

Easter is just around the corner and for many, this means indulging in chocolate eggs. With a wide variety of Easter eggs available in different shapes, sizes and flavours, it’s hard to resist the temptation. But with some people opting for healthier options or avoiding sugary treats altogether, we want to know: will you be … Read more