Experts uncover facts The strongest earthquake on Mars lasted 10 hours

Experts uncover facts The strongest earthquake on Mars lasted 10 hours

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Strongest earthquake in Mars what happened in may of this year apparently lasted more than 10 hours. Earthquake it also broke the magnitude record set by the previous earthquake in August 2021. Experts know this after studying the earthquake and publishing it in a magazine Geographic research letters. They saw that … Read more

2 Earth-like planets identified to have oceans

2 Earth-like planets identified to have oceans

Monday 19th December 2022 – 2.09pm WIB Techno live – Formerly Two Worlds in Orbit bintang They are said to be similar at 218 light-years away Land with a larger version called metal balls and boulders. The exoplanets are called Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d. Both are about 1.5 times the radius of Earth and look like … Read more