Record High Number of People Leaving the Catholic Church in Germany Amidst Abuse Scandals

Record High Number of People Leaving the Catholic Church in Germany Amidst Abuse Scandals

Jakarta – The number of people leaving the Catholic Church has hit a record high in 2022, the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) reported on Wednesday. A total of 522,821 people last year ended their official relationship with the church. This number exceeds the record that was broken in 2021, namely 359,338 people who left the … Read more

Why are black holes mesmerizing even if they’re invisible?

Jakarta – “We can always only see the impact of the “black hole”. For example, we see the folding of space. Or as something around a star, but not clearly visible, “said astronomer Knud Jahnke. He and his team studied phases, during which various matter falls into a “black hole,” and the area around it … Read more

The Herpes Virus Keeps Lurking to Reactivate and Attack the Body

Jakarta – Chickenpox is an interesting example. The disease provokes a very itchy purulent ulcer. It is triggered by the varicella-zoster virus, one of the most well-known herpes viruses that infects humans and makes people sick. The virus is widespread throughout the world and is mainly known as a children’s disease. The majority of infected … Read more

Pepi’s story, Indonesian citizen who survives in Ukraine

Jakarta – Pepi Aprianti Utami has lived in Ukraine for a decade. This is his consideration to stay alive not to leave the country, in the midst of the Russian attack. “I have family here, friends and also a job. So that’s one of the considerations.” The feeling of worry has always haunted since the … Read more

SpaceX Inspiration4, Civilian Space Mission Era Begins

Jakarta – The SpaceX Inspiration4 mission is arguably more than just a space tour, not only because of the destination, but also because of the purpose of the science and the crew on board. The mission is scheduled to launch on Wednesday (15/09) at 20:02 EDT or Thursday (16/09) at 07.02 WIB from Complex 39A … Read more