The seer who announced the death of Elizabeth II sets an exact date for World War III

The seer who announced the death of Elizabeth II sets an exact date for World War III

The Coronavirus crisis, the war in Ukraine and, now, the third World War: the seer known as ‘New Nostradamus’ has set an exact date for the start of the next conflict that will quarrel with a good part of the countries of the globe, as has not happened since the German forces surrendered on May … Read more

the new WhatsApp scam in 2023

the new WhatsApp scam in 2023

The National Police has alerted through its social networks of a new scam committed by WhatsApp. This new scam consists of the scammer contacting women and posing as their son to request money. He already known as the Mom and Dad WhatsApp scam goes far beyond impersonating a public administration or a bank, in this … Read more

Breast cancer | A study discovers how to stop the metastasis of breast cancer

Breast cancer |  A study discovers how to stop the metastasis of breast cancer

90% of breast cancer deaths are due to complications derived from metastasisa process in which cancer cells break away from the area where they formed and reach other parts of the body traveling through the blood or lymphatic circulatory system, forming new tumors. Now, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University in Israel has … Read more

The trendy drink that is all the rage on Instagram and that will make you lose weight effortlessly

The trendy drink that is all the rage on Instagram and that will make you lose weight effortlessly

It is very likely that you have seen it on Instagram, blogs or social networks because it is having success and becoming very fashionable. And you’ll recognize him by his too deep green color, which is precisely one of the big keys to weight loss. But the secret of him lies not only there, as … Read more