This is how long you are protected after a corona infection – Corona Virus Vienna

This is how long you are protected after a corona infection – Corona Virus Vienna

27.02.2023 05:00 (Akt. 27.02.2023 07:17) After a corona infection, you are well protected against corona for several months. ©Canva (Subject) According to an analysis, those people who last survived a corona infection can feel safe for several months. Surviving Covid-19 disease protects up to 90 percent from a serious or fatal illness for at least … Read more

Approving the amendment of the executive regulations of the Saudi Building Code application system.. and compensating the owner for damages during this period

Approving the amendment of the executive regulations of the Saudi Building Code application system.. and compensating the owner for damages during this period

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Minister of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Majid Al-Qasabi, approved the amendment of the executive regulations of the building code application system. compensation The amendment of the regulations included obligating the designer supervising the implementation of the construction and the executor to … Read more

Another quarrel over the construction of a nitrogen plant: ‘They just don’t like each other anymore’ (update)

Another quarrel over the construction of a nitrogen plant: ‘They just don’t like each other anymore’ (update)

Officially, there are no further construction delays, Gasunie says. “Work still stopped between Christmas and New Years,” says Gregoire. According to Gasunie there are therefore no consequences on the energy situation. ‘No, this has no consequences and certainly not for gas extraction in the Groningen field,’ Gregoire assures. «But the factory has an important function … Read more

New Energy Cap Rules: Don’t think you’re rich

New Energy Cap Rules: Don’t think you’re rich

According to comparison and energy expert Ben Woldring of, many people will be disappointed when they work out the details of the maximum price for their situation. Ben Woldring: ‘The price cap plan was implemented very quickly, within a weekend. Everyone was watching. Many details had not yet been filled in at the time. … Read more