The Financial Realities of Taking on a 100% Loan-to-Value Mortgage

@KavonH, let’s talk plainly: You need around 100% loan-to-value, so around 5% pa interest is due, around €14,000 in interest per year. In addition, 2% repayment for another €5,600. Now you are just married, but after you buy and move in, the children will be there in a few years and the follow-up financing will … Read more

How Charles Feeney, Founder of Duty Free, Donated His $8 Billion Fortune to Humanitarian Causes

How Charles Feeney, Founder of Duty Free, Donated His  Billion Fortune to Humanitarian Causes

The story of Charles Feeney, the founder of Duty Free. His dream was always to run out of his fortune. Charles Feeney He is a 92-year-old American businessman who decided to donate his fortune of 8 billion dollars to humanitarian causes, vowed to be left with nothing and die broke. He now lives without luxuries, … Read more