Kim Hyun-sook, who gave birth after giving birth, said, “I gained 10 kg and lost 14 kg”… I gained weight because of ‘this’?

Kim Hyun-sook, who gave birth after giving birth, said, “I gained 10 kg and lost 14 kg”… I gained weight because of ‘this’?

[셀럽헬스] Comedian Kim Hyun-sook‘s diet update input 2024.10.18 06:20 input 2024.10.18 06:20correction 2024.10.17 16:46 Views 156 Comedian Kim Hyun-sook (45) revealed her current status after losing 14kg of weight. [사진=김현숙 인스타그램]Comedian Kim Hyun-sook (45) revealed her current status after losing 14 kg. In the past, she gained great popularity for her role as the main … Read more

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

toothCanada’s University of Waterloo research team builds large-scale computer modeltoothFor breakfast, a diet rich in carbohydrates is appropriate for men and fat-rich for women.toothWomen metabolize fat more efficiently than menBreakfast is considered one of the important factors that determine the metabolic health of modern people. What you eat as your first meal after waking up … Read more

What are the factors that increase the risk of premature birth? [건강톡톡]

What are the factors that increase the risk of premature birth? [건강톡톡]

When a woman becomes pregnant, the fetus grows within the uterus for approximately 40 weeks. During this period, the fetus forms the structure of the body and grows with the functions necessary to sustain life. However, there are cases where the child is born early without completing the full pregnancy period, and this is called … Read more

Even if you sleep too much or not enough…if you do this, you can live long without health problems.

Even if you sleep too much or not enough…if you do this, you can live long without health problems.

WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for adults input 2024.10.16 09:05 input 2024.10.16 09:05correction 2024.10.16 08:45 Views 866 It has been shown that exercise can offset health problems that can occur due to lack or too much sleep. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Getting adequate sleep is very important for your health. Studies … Read more

Can calorie restriction help you live longer? If you do this, it will have the opposite effect.

Can calorie restriction help you live longer? If you do this, it will have the opposite effect.

a toothThe Jackson Lab/Calico Life Science research team conducted animal experiments on 960 micea toothA calorie-restricted diet has a significant effect on life extensiona toothLosing too much weight shortens your life. Research results have been published on the effects of calorie restriction and fasting on life. The results of this study (Dietary effects on the … Read more

Does drinking coffee during pregnancy actually affect a child’s neurological development? New study says that’s probably not the case

Does drinking coffee during pregnancy actually affect a child’s neurological development? New study says that’s probably not the case

Despite previous concerns, new research finds little evidence of a direct causal link between maternal coffee consumption and child developmental problems. Study: Mendelian randomization analysis of maternal coffee consumption during pregnancy on offspring neurodevelopmental difficulties in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child (MoBa) Cohort Study. Image Credit: MVelishchuk/ A recent study published in Psychological Medicine … Read more

This wonderful method of pain relief is also effective for heart health

This wonderful method of pain relief is also effective for heart health

Placebo refers to a placebo that has the same appearance as a drug but does not have a medicinal effect. And when patients taking this placebo have a positive psychological state, such as expecting an improvement in their condition, their physical health improves, which is called the placebo effect or the placebo effect . When … Read more

Belly fat is poison to my body… 4 good foods to escape from ‘belly fat’

Belly fat is poison to my body… 4 good foods to escape from ‘belly fat’

Abdominal obesity refers to the condition of excess fat accumulation in the stomach. Based on the waist circumference of Koreans, a waist circumference greater than 90cm for men and 85cm for women is considered abdominal obesity, according to data from the Korean Obesity Association, the prevalence of abdominal obesity in Korea has been increasing gradually … Read more

Runny nose especially when exposed to hot food … What is ‘gustatory rhinitis’?

Runny nose especially when exposed to hot food … What is ‘gustatory rhinitis’?

In the sudden cold weather, the number of people looking for hot food is increasing. Winter snacks such as sweet potatoes, buns, and bungeoppang have begun to be released at convenience stores, and sales of instant fish cakes in the convenience store industry at the end of last month more than doubled compared to the … Read more

Women with a lot of belly fat experience more chronic pain … What are the right lifestyle habits?

Women with a lot of belly fat experience more chronic pain … What are the right lifestyle habits?

If your body becomes fat, it not only looks unattractive but it will also be harmful to your health. In particular, it is known that belly fat is a factor that causes serious problems, such as increasing the probability of developing various adult diseases. Recently, a new study was published that shows that fat that … Read more