Should People with Joint Diseases Avoid Tomatoes? Expert Advice

Should People with Joint Diseases Avoid Tomatoes? Expert Advice

Dietitian-nutritionist Irina Mansurova said that certain people should avoid eating tomatoes. Read even more news in our Telegram channel «star dust». The specialist advises to exclude this product from the diet for people suffering from joint diseases. Tomatoes contain corned beef and oxalic acid. Corned beef can increase joint inflammation. Oxalic acid, in turn, can … Read more

Factors Contributing to the Increase in Heart Attacks among Young Patients: Insights from Cardiologist Faina Lobzhanidze

Factors Contributing to the Increase in Heart Attacks among Young Patients: Insights from Cardiologist Faina Lobzhanidze

Cardiologist Faina Lobzhanidze in an exclusive conversation with the portal “And now attention!” explained what factors influence the increase in the number of heart attacks among young patients. As the expert notes, in the 21st century, many diseases have become younger, including myocardial infarction. According to her, now it is no longer uncommon that it … Read more

The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases: The Benefits of Bananas and Grapefruit

The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases: The Benefits of Bananas and Grapefruit

According to medical statistics, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system firmly hold leading positions in the rankings of diseases that claim the largest number of human lives. It is important to emphasize that up to 80 percent of cardiovascular disease cases can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle. Experts emphasize that proper nutrition and … Read more

Preventing Dementia: Simple Rules to Follow

Preventing Dementia: Simple Rules to Follow

Dementia is a terrible disease that leads to memory problems and deterioration of the brain. In this case, the development of the disease can be prevented if you follow a few simple rules. Psychiatrist Vasily Shurov told me what to do. Read and discuss the most important news in the Telegram channel “Now attention!”. First … Read more

Renowned Doctor Warns of Dangers of Common Painkillers: Increased Pressure, Vascular Crises, and Heart Attacks

Renowned Doctor Warns of Dangers of Common Painkillers: Increased Pressure, Vascular Crises, and Heart Attacks

Well-known doctor Alexander Myasnikov urged Russians to take seriously the use of drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac and indomethacin. According to the doctor, they lead to an increase in pressure, and also provoke vascular crises and heart attacks. The doctor stressed that these drugs can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. About … Read more

Understanding Liver Health: Identifying Early Signs of Problems at Home

Understanding Liver Health: Identifying Early Signs of Problems at Home

The liver performs a number of important functions in the human body. It is a biological filter that purifies the blood of toxins and harmful substances, and also participates in the metabolism of vitamins and microelements. However, the use of junk food, medicines and alcoholic beverages can lead to diseases of this organ. How to … Read more

The Real Danger to the Liver: Fatty Liver Disease Caused by Unbalanced Diet

The Real Danger to the Liver: Fatty Liver Disease Caused by Unbalanced Diet

New Study Reveals Alcohol is Not the Main Enemy of the Liver Despite the common belief that the liver suffers primarily from drinking alcohol, a recent study has revealed that this is not true. According to gastroenterologist Nikita Kharlov, the main danger to the liver is fatty liver disease, which is not associated with alcohol … Read more